Game #1963336 — 2023-12-19

protoss 28
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -3 | killed: 34k
1929 -12
terran 65
apm: 20 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 32k
2033 -12
terran 2
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 68 | killed: 42k
1770 -12
5506 +12
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1469 | killed: 52k
protoss 1050
3046 +12
apm: 29 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 947 | killed: 49k
zerg 350
1433 +12
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1176 | killed: 46k
protoss 42


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 Wolverine
00:49 tier 2 shadow
01:10 tier 2 <Tanky> UIUCillini
01:23 tier 2 Spacebacon
02:31 tier 2 <SofE> LostBananas
02:38 tier 2 Renatus
02:44 bunker destroyed
02:45 gas 1 +290 Spacebacon
02:46 gas 1 +290 shadow
04:19 gas 2 +168 Spacebacon
05:43 gas 2 +126 shadow
05:54 gas 3 +46 Spacebacon
06:22 gas 1 +182 Wolverine
06:26 gas 1 +180 <SofE> LostBananas
07:52 gas 2 +62 Wolverine
07:58 gas 2 +59 <SofE> LostBananas
07:58 gas 3 -16 shadow
08:05 tier 3 <SofE> LostBananas
09:28 gas 3 -61 <SofE> LostBananas
09:38 gas 3 -66 Wolverine
10:10 gas 1 +68 Renatus
10:54 tier 3 Spacebacon
10:58 gas 4 -181 <SofE> LostBananas
11:15 gas 4 -189 shadow
11:26 tier 3 Wolverine
11:29 gas 4 -196 Wolverine
11:55 tier 3 <Tanky> UIUCillini
13:51 Wolverine blue no land units?
14:01 tier 3 shadow
14:04 Spacebacon those scans were really bad early
14:10 Spacebacon dont think a single one worked
14:37 <Tanky> UIUCillini that would have been the turning point (sad)
14:44 Spacebacon nah
15:10 Spacebacon you cant just blindly get a bunch of hellbats
15:35 Wolverine gg
16:29 Wolverine libs doing no damage to carriers
17:12 <Tanky> UIUCillini gg
17:23 Renatus no!!!!
17:23 <Tanky> UIUCillini oh wow
17:27 game ended
17:27 Renatus grrrr
17:28 <Tanky> UIUCillini now gg