Game #1969864 — 2023-09-30

protoss 214
apm: 26 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: -84 | killed: 47k
3423 +22
terran 721
apm: 46 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 13 | killed: 25k
4383 +22
terran 164
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 327 | killed: 38k
876 +2
983 -2
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 97 | killed: 15k
zerg 76
2117 -22
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 467 | killed: 33k
terran 60
2070 -22
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 222 | killed: 37k
terran 35


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +278 defure
00:58 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 defure
01:15 <Yepta> UncleRetardo english you prick
01:41 gas 2 +153 defure
02:14 tier 3 defure
02:34 bunker destroyed
02:36 gas 1 +201 IIIIIIIII
02:37 gas 1 +200 Sky
03:35 tier 2 IIIIIIIII
03:38 gas 3 +20 defure
04:00 tier 2 Sektor
04:05 <Yepta> UncleRetardo gg guys, we have a BC gas noob
04:24 tier 2 Sky
04:45 <Yepta> UncleRetardo he has 3 gas already LOL
04:54 gas 2 +57 Sky
05:05 <Yepta> UncleRetardo he would have got 4 already if 4th was not blocked)))
05:07 defure i will f uck hil after 1v1 u can have a look
05:22 defure him
05:31 defure anyone can join to learn
05:38 <Yepta> UncleRetardo ahaha
05:46 <Yepta> UncleRetardo kid has a vacation from school
05:48 tier 2 <Yepta> UncleRetardo
06:37 <Yepta> UncleRetardo now having 2 BCs and all gas he must start upgrading
06:37 defure r u dumb u loose noobs
06:53 <Yepta> UncleRetardo i suggest armor upgrade for this kind of noob style
06:57 tier 2 pjtr
07:23 defure i do not need noob mate
07:41 <Yepta> UncleRetardo watch he has upgrades already)))))))
07:45 defure only full gas full upgrade 4 bc
07:51 defure u loose
08:17 <Yepta> UncleRetardo sadly DS does not have MMR to sort this garbage out
08:23 <Yepta> UncleRetardo we have to play with them...
08:34 <Yepta> UncleRetardo with this biological garbage
08:38 defure u play like s hit noob s hut up
09:01 <Yepta> UncleRetardo bliz should have done MMR for DS somehow
10:05 gas 4 -249 defure
10:16 gas 1 -29 pjtr
12:06 defure f ucking noobs
12:13 <Yepta> UncleRetardo what you can do today - is to remember the names of such garbage and not join lobbies with them
12:47 gas 2 -180 pjtr
12:59 tier 3 IIIIIIIII
13:01 cannon destroyed
13:01 gas 1 -112 <Yepta> UncleRetardo
13:02 defure but u r noobber than him
13:04 gas 1 -113 Sektor
13:05 gas 2 -189 IIIIIIIII
13:10 defure i told u
13:31 tier 3 pjtr
13:35 <Yepta> UncleRetardo yellow is not only a noob - he is biological garbage, a mistake of his dad
13:49 tier 3 <Yepta> UncleRetardo
14:08 defure i will f uck u after noob prepare ur ass
14:18 <Yepta> UncleRetardo that yellow mistake happened when his dad saved money for a condom before having sex with a whore
14:19 game ended
14:23 <Yepta> UncleRetardo and now we have him