Game #1986997 — 2023-12-30

terran 462
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 4
minerals: 1769 | killed: 102k
6422 +20
zerg 324
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1755 | killed: 105k
4627 +20
terran 624
apm: 20 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 2101 | killed: 88k
5477 +20
3933 -20
apm: 26 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 612 | killed: 90k
protoss 97
1149 -20
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 623 | killed: 117k
terran 58
911 -2
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 515 | killed: 85k
terran 14


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:07 Michael gl hf
00:25 Michael God bless team 1 and no one else!
00:37 first unit on mid
01:05 Michael 8 marines vs the sector
01:05 tier 2 JuniorJPN
01:53 tier 2 TACOMAN
04:02 gas 1 +490 Mostro
05:40 tier 2 <Skaikr> IamtheBest
05:57 tier 2 Michael
06:16 tier 2 Mostro
06:30 tier 2 <DSFTWA> DocWalrus
06:32 <Skaikr> IamtheBest ask him why he went tier2
06:41 Michael why did you go t2?
07:19 Michael WHY DID YOU GO T2?
07:42 tier 3 <Skaikr> IamtheBest
07:57 cannon destroyed
08:02 gas 1 +370 JuniorJPN
08:07 gas 1 +367 <DSFTWA> DocWalrus
09:08 gas 1 +337 <Skaikr> IamtheBest
09:57 Michael this formation is unbeatable
09:58 gas 2 +237 <DSFTWA> DocWalrus
10:38 gas 2 +217 <Skaikr> IamtheBest
11:05 gas 1 +278 TACOMAN
11:07 tier 3 Michael
11:17 Michael why do you bully me gene
11:17 gas 1 +272 Michael
11:29 tier 3 Mostro
12:10 tier 3 <DSFTWA> DocWalrus
12:13 gas 3 +94 <Skaikr> IamtheBest
12:28 Michael but what about blue flame?
12:45 gas 2 +153 JuniorJPN
13:26 gas 2 +133 Mostro
13:48 gas 2 +122 TACOMAN
14:05 gas 4 -36 <Skaikr> IamtheBest
15:38 gas 3 -8 JuniorJPN
16:58 tier 3 TACOMAN
17:30 Michael this is why your mom doesnt hecking love you
18:09 <Skaikr> IamtheBest shut up noob
18:18 <Skaikr> IamtheBest you just won becasue of this terran noob whow ent tier2 in my team
19:15 <Skaikr> IamtheBest why dont you leave your team next game
19:27 Michael we did this before
20:05 gas 3 -142 TACOMAN
20:18 <Skaikr> IamtheBest leave your team next game
20:20 <Skaikr> IamtheBest then talk
20:29 <DSFTWA> DocWalrus make two friends lol
20:34 <Skaikr> IamtheBest shut up noob
20:35 Michael what?
20:47 Michael we did this before and i won
20:53 Michael what have you dont to grow?
21:00 <Skaikr> IamtheBest you onnly won becasue of this noob in ym team
21:02 <Skaikr> IamtheBest nothing else
21:14 <Skaikr> IamtheBest you can have this terran in your team
21:17 <Skaikr> IamtheBest i will choose for you
21:18 <Skaikr> IamtheBest Dont worry
21:45 Michael i appreciate the fandom, and love you
21:53 Michael but this is not the time nor the place
23:35 tier 3 JuniorJPN
23:51 Michael remember before, how you did this same song and dance?
24:01 Michael and then we did go into a 1v1 and you left
25:14 tier 4 Michael
25:20 tier 4 TACOMAN
25:23 game ended
25:24 Michael you know that knife scene in saving private ryan
25:25 <DSFTWA> DocWalrus gg
25:27 Michael this was like that
25:28 TACOMAN gg
25:30 TACOMAN wp