Game #19993 — 2022-08-09

terran 70
apm: 29 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 48 | killed: 10k
3693 -30
zerg 1
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 251 | killed: 38k
1802 -30
terran 55
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 313 | killed: 42k
2139 -30
2366 +30
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 663 | killed: 34k
protoss 24
5232 +30
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 626 | killed: 45k
protoss 3034
3262 +30
apm: 23 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 756 | killed: 32k
terran 66




average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:09 gas 1 +48 <DSGoku> AFKMode
00:09 gas 1 +294 THeSAUCEBAUS
00:11 gas 1 +293 <DSGoku> Sunay
00:16 gas 1 +291 <zGMs> USMCtosh
00:17 gas 1 +290 <DSGoku> sregor
00:32 gas 1 +283 Temporary
00:37 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 <DSGoku> Sunay
01:12 tier 2 Temporary
01:31 tier 2 THeSAUCEBAUS
01:35 tier 2 <DSGoku> AFKMode
02:56 gas 2 +136 <DSGoku> sregor
03:07 gas 2 +130 <zGMs> USMCtosh
03:17 <DSGoku> AFKMode not using hacks, you are just very predictable
03:26 Temporary eh
03:28 tier 2 <DSGoku> sregor
04:36 gas 2 +86 THeSAUCEBAUS
04:44 bunker destroyed
04:46 gas 2 +81 Temporary
04:53 gas 3 +2 <zGMs> USMCtosh
05:18 gas 2 +65 <DSGoku> Sunay
05:24 tier 2 <zGMs> USMCtosh
06:32 gas 3 -47 Temporary
06:43 <DSGoku> AFKMode gg
06:45 leaver <DSGoku> AFKMode
07:01 Temporary was that too predictable?
07:25 tier 3 Temporary
07:34 gas 3 -78 <DSGoku> Sunay
07:39 <DSGoku> sregor I am pulling things down. Accidentally picked gear. (rofl)
07:49 Temporary tbf
07:53 Temporary i generally prefer gear
07:59 Temporary as crystal is so boring
08:03 Temporary you just end up going gold rines every game
08:06 Temporary and its like woooow
08:35 tier 3 <zGMs> USMCtosh
08:54 <DSGoku> sregor (happy)
10:00 gas 4 -226 <DSGoku> Sunay
10:00 gas 4 -226 Temporary
10:26 gas 4 -239 <zGMs> USMCtosh
11:21 <DSGoku> sregor yes heal those banes! (rofl)
12:52 gas 3 -238 <DSGoku> sregor
13:17 cannon destroyed
13:26 gas 3 -254 THeSAUCEBAUS
13:59 tier 3 <DSGoku> sregor
14:57 <DSGoku> sregor gg
14:57 Temporary gg
14:57 <zGMs> USMCtosh gg
14:58 game ended