Game #2011799 — 2024-01-11

artanis 14
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -373 | killed: 2k
956 -4
abathur 42
apm: 29 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 803 | killed: 91k
3686 -48
fenix 1
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -134 | killed: 870
1668 -48
3908 +48
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1059 | killed: 123k
dehaka 127
1999 +48
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 602 | killed: 56k
abathur 1
2078 -0
apm: 0 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 131 | killed: 0
zagara 16


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +429 <2o07> Andrew
00:06 gas 1 -3 DiaboDoido
00:13 gas 1 +425 ThiccGorilla
01:00 tier 2 DiaboDoido
01:00 first unit on mid
01:25 tier 2 <Bfat> DoughBoy
01:34 gas 1 +384 Ivan
01:39 gas 2 -124 DiaboDoido
01:43 gas 2 +305 ThiccGorilla
01:44 gas 2 +304 <2o07> Andrew
01:46 tier 3 DiaboDoido
01:57 tier 2 ThiccGorilla
02:06 gas 1 -134 <Bfat> DoughBoy
02:28 tier 2 <2o07> Andrew
02:40 ThiccGorilla d
02:40 ThiccGorilla d
02:40 ThiccGorilla d
02:40 ThiccGorilla d
02:40 ThiccGorilla d
02:40 leaver <Bfat> DoughBoy
02:50 tier 2 Ivan
02:53 tier 3 ThiccGorilla
03:13 gas 3 -246 DiaboDoido
03:13 gas 3 +185 ThiccGorilla
03:42 afk cross
05:02 <2o07> Andrew 3rd world countries
05:02 <2o07> Andrew both my boys gonna drop on me?
05:02 <2o07> Andrew broken shit ass internet/pc
05:02 <2o07> Andrew i do hate brazil singapore australia servers
05:02 <2o07> Andrew wtf
05:02 ThiccGorilla br wooden computers
05:02 ThiccGorilla brbr
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla d
05:02 ThiccGorilla dd
05:02 ThiccGorilla wooden pc brazil
05:02 Ivan one of us too
05:02 leaver DiaboDoido
07:01 gas 3 +70 <2o07> Andrew
10:37 gas 4 -112 ThiccGorilla
11:29 tier 3 <2o07> Andrew
11:40 tier 3 Ivan
13:09 gas 2 -38 Ivan
13:21 <2o07> Andrew dont have anything great to counter the creepers
13:31 <2o07> Andrew time for the long slow death
13:38 ThiccGorilla sounds like life
15:47 bunker destroyed
18:36 ThiccGorilla gg
19:23 game ended