Game #2028704 — 2024-01-16

terran 8
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1042 | killed: 115k
2257 +0
protoss 199
apm: 19 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 601 | killed: 38k
3005 -33
zerg 63
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 513 | killed: 83k
3440 +0
1624 -0
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 41 | killed: 65k
terran 23
4640 -0
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 194 | killed: 74k
terran 1584
2361 -0
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 156 | killed: 75k
zerg 188


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 <xEPx> Zoidberg
01:02 tier 2 Primecluster
01:17 tier 2 <DSES> PlayToWin
01:34 tier 3 <xEPx> Zoidberg
01:34 gas 1 +469 Primecluster
01:44 tier 2 llllllllllll
02:40 tier 2 <Sirs> MrBojangles
02:41 tier 3 <DSES> PlayToWin
03:01 <xEPx> NemesisEP none of you goys have heard that commercial?
03:06 llllllllllll nope
08:34 tier 2 <xEPx> NemesisEP
09:17 gas 2 +162 Primecluster
10:16 gas 1 +208 <DSES> PlayToWin
10:22 gas 1 +205 <xEPx> Zoidberg
10:53 gas 1 +189 <xEPx> NemesisEP
12:23 gas 2 +69 <xEPx> NemesisEP
13:33 gas 2 +34 <DSES> PlayToWin
13:41 cannon destroyed
13:46 gas 1 +103 <Sirs> MrBojangles
13:48 tier 3 <xEPx> NemesisEP
13:51 gas 3 -49 Primecluster
14:02 gas 1 -52 llllllllllll
14:12 gas 2 +15 <xEPx> Zoidberg
14:19 tier 3 llllllllllll
15:04 gas 3 -86 <DSES> PlayToWin
16:07 gas 4 -193 Primecluster
16:51 llllllllllll gtg
16:56 <Sirs> MrBojangles gg
17:19 leaver llllllllllll
17:22 <DSES> PlayToWin thank god
17:31 <xEPx> NemesisEP DAS RITE!
18:26 <xEPx> NemesisEP anyone else glad he's gone? Or is it just me?
18:28 bunker destroyed
18:30 gas 3 -189 <xEPx> Zoidberg
18:31 gas 3 -189 <xEPx> NemesisEP
18:41 tier 3 <Sirs> MrBojangles
19:11 <DSES> PlayToWin im very glas
19:13 <DSES> PlayToWin glad*
19:30 <DSES> PlayToWin he was terrible
19:34 gas 4 -296 <DSES> PlayToWin
19:42 <DSES> PlayToWin telling me to make locusts vs. ultras
19:50 <xEPx> NemesisEP he was also a fascist
20:04 Primecluster yes and colossi against liberator xd
20:05 <xEPx> Zoidberg and a transgender
20:56 gas 2 -187 <Sirs> MrBojangles
21:46 tier 3 Primecluster
22:12 <DSES> PlayToWin gg
22:13 game ended
22:16 <xEPx> NemesisEP fascists