Game #2034432 — 2023-11-08

terran 2116
apm: 30 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 593 | killed: 46k
8142 +6
terran 1410
apm: 40 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 677 | killed: 30k
7115 +6
terran 2700
apm: 20 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 708 | killed: 31k
4491 +6
3428 -6
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 26k
protoss 698
886 -1
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 283 | killed: 26k
protoss 116
996 -1
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 117 | killed: 13k
terran 4


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +280 <WARHED> TwooC
00:05 gas 1 +117 <4Rax> spacefrog
00:13 <DSSQRT> foRei Why is it okay when israel kill civilians, but not hamas?
00:39 first unit on mid
00:46 tier 2 <TirolA> BullyMachine
00:54 Celeriac because hamas are genocidal terrorists ?
01:31 <DSSQRT> foRei so its ok for israel to genocide palestinians?
01:52 tier 2 <WARHED> TwooC
02:15 <TirolA> BullyMachine nice scan
02:20 Celeriac If Hamas released their hostages, Isreal would cease fire
02:36 Celeriac so they could stop the war
02:38 <DSSQRT> foRei Did you personally talk to Benjamin about that?
02:48 <DSSQRT> foRei Or are you just talking out of your ass
02:49 Celeriac its a fact
03:09 Celeriac educate yourself, why aare you siding with terrorists ?
03:20 <DSSQRT> foRei israel is a terrorist state, you're siding with them
03:25 Celeriac lol
03:39 <DSSQRT> foRei They've terrorized the palestinian people for 75 years?
03:48 Celeriac good lord you are misinformed
03:56 <DSSQRT> foRei Go believe nato propaganda retard
04:04 tier 2 Celeriac
04:05 Celeriac lol, you are clueless
04:14 gas 1 +153 <TirolA> BullyMachine
04:14 gas 2 +78 <WARHED> TwooC
04:15 <DSSQRT> foRei U dont know nothing
04:18 <DSSQRT> foRei You've never been to israel
04:19 Celeriac like most of the people on this subject
04:25 cannon destroyed
04:29 <DSSQRT> foRei U believe in lies
04:53 Celeriac I work for a company with a factory in Isreal, so yes .. I have been there
05:00 Celeriac have you ?
05:00 tier 2 <Yepta> AlexPrizrak
05:05 <DSSQRT> foRei Im there right now
05:07 <DSSQRT> foRei near gaza
05:10 Celeriac nice !
05:18 Celeriac civilised isn't it
05:24 <DSSQRT> foRei slow but steady genocide going on
05:31 Celeriac lol, whatever
05:35 tier 3 <Yepta> AlexPrizrak
05:44 tier 2 <DSSQRT> foRei
05:44 <DSSQRT> foRei U think genocide is "whatever"?
05:59 gas 1 +101 <DSSQRT> foRei
06:04 Celeriac If Isreal wanted to carry out Genocide, they could
06:07 gas 1 +97 <Yepta> AlexPrizrak
06:18 tier 2 <4Rax> spacefrog
06:45 <DSSQRT> foRei Do u know what happened every day for 75 years?
06:50 gas 3 -75 <WARHED> TwooC
06:52 <DSSQRT> foRei Or are you misinformed about that too ?
07:02 gas 2 -6 <TirolA> BullyMachine
07:03 Celeriac The Palestinians are reaping what they sow ..
07:13 <DSSQRT> foRei Wow brainwashed by media
07:18 Celeriac and now crying like babies along with muppets like you
07:27 <DSSQRT> foRei You're a useful idiot for nato
07:32 <DSSQRT> foRei go suck some dick
07:58 tier 3 <DSSQRT> foRei
08:01 Celeriac did you stand with Ukraine as well ? :-D
08:23 gas 2 -46 <Yepta> AlexPrizrak
08:26 <DSSQRT> foRei I even donated to ukraine
08:32 Celeriac too funny
08:34 gas 3 -127 <TirolA> BullyMachine
09:01 leaver <4Rax> spacefrog
09:12 <DSSQRT> foRei Why are you losing? Low iq ?
09:28 Celeriac no, my muppet teammate has three gas
09:28 <TirolA> BullyMachine yep he makes pönix against bio long time ago
09:33 <TirolA> BullyMachine i played alot times vs him
09:41 <DSSQRT> foRei he is a complete retard
09:46 <DSSQRT> foRei doesnt understand the world he lives in
10:08 Celeriac lol, keep supporting terrorists ... people like you amuse me
10:11 tier 3 <WARHED> TwooC
10:17 <DSSQRT> foRei keep supporting a genocide
10:25 Celeriac :-D
10:25 <DSSQRT> foRei ur on the wrong side of history buddy
10:55 Celeriac keep spouting propoganda like a good sheep
11:03 Celeriac lol
11:22 <DSSQRT> foRei is this game too hard for u ?
11:41 Celeriac not really, too many retards :-)
11:46 <DSSQRT> foRei yep ur one of them
11:53 Celeriac lol
12:03 <DSSQRT> foRei why phoenix vs marine are u stupid?
12:20 gas 2 -165 <DSSQRT> foRei
12:23 Celeriac I don't support terrorists .. so no.
12:35 <DSSQRT> foRei ofcourse u do, israel is a terrorist state
12:43 <DSSQRT> foRei ur just misinformed about what they do
12:43 Celeriac baa baa
13:28 <DSSQRT> foRei U think the jews will give u money for being a good little useful idiot?
13:45 Celeriac at least you know what a useful idiot is .. you are one ! :-D
13:46 <DSSQRT> foRei a....... goyim
13:48 tier 3 Celeriac
14:10 <DSSQRT> foRei you've lost every wave
14:13 <DSSQRT> foRei now immortal vs liberator
14:17 <DSSQRT> foRei u must be completely retarded
14:19 Celeriac like I care lol
14:22 game ended
14:23 <DSSQRT> foRei ez