Game #2047551 — 2024-01-26

terran 766
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 2950 | killed: 200k
6815 +22
zerg 572
apm: 32 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 2923 | killed: 197k
7060 +22
terran 1473
apm: 106 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 2828 | killed: 222k
8171 +22
2685 -22
apm: 20 | gas: 2 | tier: 6
minerals: 998 | killed: 264k
zerg 251
3379 -22
apm: 12 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 3k
terran 335
4502 -22
apm: 60 | gas: 1 | tier: 6
minerals: 799 | killed: 302k
terran 151


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:31 <dGreat> Henz im new, how to play guys?
00:37 first unit on mid
00:44 Matliv take as many gasses as ou can
00:50 Matliv economy goes brrr
00:52 Crunchy gas all the way
00:53 tier 2 Matliv
01:09 <dGreat> Henz my team said no gas why
01:16 Matliv haters
01:28 Crunchy lol
01:36 tier 2 <DSFTWA> mistical
01:39 Crunchy can you blame us for tryin?
01:55 <DSFTWA> Hammie oh hi mystic!
01:55 tier 2 <dGreat> Henz
02:00 <DSFTWA> mistical sup
03:25 tier 2 Bee
03:52 tier 2 Crunchy
04:30 cannon destroyed
04:33 gas 1 +791 <DSFTWA> Hammie
04:42 gas 1 +786 Bee
05:00 gas 1 +777 <dGreat> Henz
05:04 leaver Crunchy
05:25 tier 3 Bee
05:32 tier 2 <DSFTWA> Hammie
06:17 gas 2 +664 <DSFTWA> Hammie
08:25 bunker destroyed
08:27 gas 1 +674 Matliv
08:29 gas 2 +598 Bee
09:02 tier 3 <dGreat> Henz
09:20 gas 2 +572 <dGreat> Henz
10:05 tier 3 <DSFTWA> mistical
11:18 tier 3 Matliv
13:08 tier 3 <DSFTWA> Hammie
14:15 gas 1 +500 <DSFTWA> mistical
15:32 gas 3 +311 Bee
15:59 gas 2 +373 <DSFTWA> mistical
18:26 gas 3 +224 <dGreat> Henz
18:47 gas 3 +213 <DSFTWA> Hammie
19:20 <dGreat> Henz whose libs better oj?
19:51 Matliv the libs who are not facing corruptors I guess
20:09 <dGreat> Henz ask him to make
22:07 Matliv must admit your sell play was nice tho
22:18 <dGreat> Henz ty
22:19 <DSFTWA> Hammie pro
25:13 tier 4 Matliv
25:13 tier 4 <dGreat> Henz
25:15 tier 4 Bee
25:22 tier 4 <DSFTWA> Hammie
25:48 tier 4 <DSFTWA> mistical
27:07 <dGreat> Henz my fingers are tired for micro lol
27:27 Matliv I don't think you ahve to micro this anymore lmao, you've won I guess
27:44 <dGreat> Henz my bahbit lol
27:48 <dGreat> Henz habit*
28:07 Matliv you could just sell libs if you don't want to micro :p
28:11 <dGreat> Henz libs work more effective when being microed
28:29 Matliv y, true
30:07 tier 5 <DSFTWA> Hammie
30:10 tier 5 <dGreat> Henz
30:22 tier 5 Bee
30:26 tier 5 Matliv
31:08 <dGreat> Henz btw i saw some coruptors from your allie lol
31:45 Matliv yeah, would have loved them the moment you made your lib switch tho, not when we've been behind on income for 15 mins
32:41 tier 5 <DSFTWA> mistical
35:03 tier 6 Bee
35:03 tier 6 <DSFTWA> mistical
35:03 tier 6 <dGreat> Henz
35:03 tier 6 <DSFTWA> Hammie
35:05 tier 6 Matliv
35:55 game ended
35:57 <DSFTWA> mistical gg
35:58 Matliv gg
35:58 <dGreat> Henz gg