Game #2047954 — 2024-01-26

protoss 1094
apm: 43 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 185 | killed: 29k
7404 +12
terran 2266
apm: 139 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 194 | killed: 26k
6363 +12
terran 2088
apm: 139 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -169 | killed: 30k
10035 +12
983 -1
apm: 22 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 17k
terran 760
3506 -12
apm: 99 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -60 | killed: 23k
zerg 248
6568 -12
apm: 36 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -62 | killed: 23k
protoss 2014


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:08 <DSTARI> Nedved pew is a nigga dats true
00:37 first unit on mid
00:45 tier 2 <ØSgZ> Euweb
00:47 tier 2 <BFRH> ArEsǂDragon
02:01 tier 2 <DSTARI> Nedved
04:42 tier 2 <DSTARI> Readoubt
05:53 tier 2 <SquаfN> Taz
06:07 gas 1 +60 <ØSgZ> Euweb
06:38 cannon destroyed
07:03 gas 1 +32 <DIRSTK> PewPewPrince
08:29 <DSTARI> Nedved ?
08:29 <DSTARI> Nedved need to siege nigga
08:29 <DSTARI> Nedved y
08:29 <DIRSTK> PewPewPrince g
08:29 <SquаfN> Taz ready?
08:33 gas 2 -88 <DIRSTK> PewPewPrince
08:39 tier 3 <ØSgZ> Euweb
08:49 gas 2 -96 <ØSgZ> Euweb
09:29 tier 3 <DSTARI> Nedved
09:29 tier 3 <DSTARI> Readoubt
10:06 gas 1 -60 <BFRH> ArEsǂDragon
10:11 gas 1 -62 <SquаfN> Taz
10:24 gas 3 -219 <DIRSTK> PewPewPrince
10:34 gas 1 -73 <DSTARI> Nedved
10:44 gas 3 -228 <ØSgZ> Euweb
11:17 tier 3 <SquаfN> Taz
11:37 <DSTARI> Nedved so when is jesus coming to save you guyz?
12:04 gas 2 -193 <DSTARI> Nedved
12:07 tier 2 <DIRSTK> PewPewPrince
12:48 gas 4 -365 <ØSgZ> Euweb
13:02 <DSTARI> Nedved gg
13:04 <ØSgZ> Euweb gg
13:05 <SquаfN> Taz Gg
13:08 <DIRSTK> PewPewPrince gg
13:08 game ended