Game #2052291 — 2023-12-20

swann 4
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 621 | killed: 33k
1492 +19
mengsk 1025
apm: 30 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 745 | killed: 30k
5931 +19
artanis 5
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 788 | killed: 40k
3146 +19
2128 -19
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 224 | killed: 36k
swann 3
3359 -19
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 156 | killed: 31k
abathur 35
1929 -19
apm: 29 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 112 | killed: 36k
dehaka 31


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +299 manga
00:02 gas 1 +299 BaNdiT
00:12 gas 1 +294 Benjamin
00:24 gas 1 +288 Exidium
00:32 gas 1 +284 Kampfkranich
00:51 gas 1 +274 ivermectin
00:58 first unit on mid
01:18 tier 2 Kampfkranich
01:20 tier 2 manga
01:25 tier 2 Exidium
01:48 gas 2 +171 Benjamin
01:51 gas 2 +170 BaNdiT
01:55 tier 2 ivermectin
02:03 gas 2 +163 Exidium
02:24 gas 2 +153 Kampfkranich
02:42 tier 2 Benjamin
02:52 gas 2 +139 ivermectin
02:58 gas 2 +136 manga
03:40 gas 3 +40 Benjamin
03:48 gas 3 +36 BaNdiT
03:57 gas 3 +31 Kampfkranich
04:54 tier 3 ivermectin
05:19 gas 3 -10 manga
05:50 gas 3 -25 Exidium
06:01 gas 3 -30 ivermectin
06:06 tier 2 BaNdiT
06:31 tier 3 Benjamin
09:15 tier 3 BaNdiT
09:55 manga so bio blasting is broken again
10:01 Benjamin again?
10:02 manga for fucks sake Tya make up your mind
10:05 manga yeah
10:12 Exidium bio blast?
10:17 Benjamin ES have already been nerfed time and time again
10:17 manga mengsk ghost
10:18 tier 3 Kampfkranich
10:24 manga has changed over and over again
10:34 Benjamin for the worse
10:37 Benjamin usually
10:38 gas 4 -244 Kampfkranich
10:39 manga yeah...
10:43 manga 1 unit killing a whole team
10:47 manga is such a balanced thing
10:59 manga which did happen
11:05 gas 4 -258 BaNdiT
11:06 manga any bio commander against mengsk?
11:07 Benjamin I am "losing" therefor game is unbalaced
11:08 manga 1 ghost
11:13 manga nah
11:19 manga hard to win when fighting multiple people
11:28 gas 4 -269 manga
11:32 gas 4 -271 ivermectin
11:35 Benjamin how about you micro ravegers for easy kills on es
11:49 manga easy kills yes.
11:57 Benjamin it goes throgh invus
11:59 Benjamin invis
12:07 manga since I am not that good.
12:08 Benjamin you are giving me free blast
12:13 Benjamin should only allow me 1
12:29 Benjamin the 2nd and 3rd should not happen
12:32 gas 4 -301 Benjamin
12:51 Benjamin as you can see I am manually microing them
12:54 manga yeah
12:57 manga i see that
13:08 manga but doesn´t change a thing when your units are out of reach
13:12 manga and quite honestly
13:19 ivermectin some commanders just don't match up
13:19 manga you don´t need to micro the ghost
13:27 Benjamin what blue said
13:36 Benjamin your matched up is not favored
13:36 manga yeah. This game is unbalanced.
13:38 Exidium lol
13:41 cannon destroyed
13:41 Benjamin (happy)
13:42 manga thanks for making my point for me (happy)
14:02 gas 4 -346 Exidium
14:32 Benjamin you want every commander be balaced against every commander?
14:45 manga it is why SC got famous for
14:47 Benjamin gl playing any game (happy)
14:49 manga incredible balance
14:55 Benjamin *with 3 classes :;D
14:56 Exidium SC got famous for race balanbce
14:59 Exidium not commanders.
15:01 game ended
15:03 Benjamin you have 14 commanders here
15:03 Exidium this is custom.
15:03 manga and... commanders are not balanced at all
15:03 BaNdiT gg
15:07 Benjamin just get good
15:08 Benjamin dude
15:10 Benjamin stop crying
15:11 manga yeah...