Game #2060264 — 2023-08-03

nova 4
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 774 | killed: 197k
1713 -24
raynor 4
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 850 | killed: 219k
1976 -24
kerrigan 4
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 913 | killed: 101k
2066 -24
3612 +24
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1833 | killed: 186k
vorazun 11
4149 +24
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1185 | killed: 177k
karax 65
931 +2
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1491 | killed: 142k
abathur 14


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:11 gas 1 +553 TopHatTom
00:11 gas 1 +553 EnderWiggin
00:16 gas 1 +550 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney
00:17 gas 1 +550 <YEH> Roses
00:25 gas 1 +546 <Impero> ElmarPyro
00:46 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney
01:04 tier 2 TopHatTom
01:59 gas 2 +424 <YEH> Roses
02:05 gas 2 +421 <Impero> ElmarPyro
02:17 gas 2 +415 EnderWiggin
02:29 tier 2 <YEH> Roses
02:31 tier 2 <Impero> ElmarPyro
03:25 tier 2 EnderWiggin
03:45 gas 1 +446 <SCVM> Cray
03:45 gas 2 +371 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney
03:58 tier 3 <Impero> ElmarPyro
04:18 gas 2 +354 TopHatTom
05:24 tier 2 <SCVM> Cray
06:15 gas 3 +221 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney
06:22 tier 3 <YEH> Roses
06:47 tier 3 EnderWiggin
07:09 gas 2 +269 <SCVM> Cray
09:17 tier 3 <SCVM> Cray
10:19 tier 3 TopHatTom
11:15 gas 3 +71 <SCVM> Cray
11:19 gas 4 -6 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney
12:01 bunker destroyed
12:20 gas 3 +38 EnderWiggin
12:28 <YEH> Roses i dont understand why people do meta shit on this game mode lol
12:52 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney bc the metaverse is here man
12:53 <SCVM> Cray ?
13:01 <YEH> Roses just kinda boring
13:10 <Impero> ElmarPyro we're just losing because one of yall only built stalkers
13:11 <SCVM> Cray the if u mean cd stalkers yea understandable
13:39 <YEH> Roses i just dont understand why you do that lol just make the game boring and 1 sided
13:51 <SCVM> Cray look
13:53 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney wah wah wah
14:03 <SCVM> Cray at least its not CD swarmhosts
14:10 <Impero> ElmarPyro dude i fucking faced that earlier
14:13 <Impero> ElmarPyro My gamed almost broke
14:15 <YEH> Roses if you think im complaining then you are actually retarded lol
14:29 <SCVM> Cray ... never said you were
14:37 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney can anyone beat their meat with their feet?
14:39 <Impero> ElmarPyro hes talking about your teamate
14:41 <SCVM> Cray but *i'm* complaining about cd stalkers
14:52 <SCVM> Cray er cd hosts
15:39 tier 3 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney
16:02 cannon destroyed
16:11 gas 3 -77 <Impero> ElmarPyro
18:10 gas 4 -212 EnderWiggin
19:08 gas 4 -241 <Impero> ElmarPyro
19:41 gas 3 -182 TopHatTom
19:48 gas 3 -186 <YEH> Roses
21:03 gas 4 -298 <SCVM> Cray
22:05 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney we want the hype
23:38 game ended
23:41 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney gg
23:44 <SCVM> Cray i think the stalkers ended up being a nonfactor
23:45 <UKNOME> TonyRamboney got flushed