Game #2113937 — 2024-02-25

protoss 285
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1408 | killed: 55k
2424 +71
terran 163
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1759 | killed: 41k
1843 +71
protoss 51
apm: 25 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1475 | killed: 70k
3229 +71
1726 -71
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 812 | killed: 61k
zerg 12
4642 -71
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 373 | killed: 42k
zerg 231
1926 -71
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 528 | killed: 44k
terran 2




average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +431 <DyZerO> felipe
00:04 gas 1 +431 <SGCPE> Davval
00:39 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr
00:51 tier 2 Comrade
01:29 tier 2 <DyZerO> felipe
01:40 gas 2 +308 <DyZerO> felipe
02:12 gas 1 +367 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr
02:16 cannon destroyed
02:23 tier 2 <SGCPE> Davval
02:27 <DSGoku> Freeza glhf hi
02:29 gas 1 +358 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
02:32 gas 2 +282 <SGCPE> Davval
02:32 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr even with gold league dsgoku idiot
02:34 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ez
02:46 gas 1 +350 <DSGoku> Freeza
03:05 tier 3 Comrade
03:10 tier 2 <DSGoku> Freeza
03:36 <DSGoku> Freeza pls stop wasting time. just quit
03:44 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ironic
03:45 tier 2 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
03:51 <UKNOME> KnightOwl coming from premade a lot of talk
04:14 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr awww uknome sore loser
04:18 gas 2 +229 <DSGoku> Freeza
04:20 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr what a match
04:21 <UKNOME> KnightOwl i don't play gear
04:30 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr yea find an excuse at once
04:31 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr yes
04:38 <UKNOME> KnightOwl okay i play wb
04:39 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr sore loser like I said
04:40 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ty
04:52 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr what a loser
04:59 <UKNOME> KnightOwl act like a child
05:09 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr lmfao cause I trashed on u?
05:21 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr everyone who trashed on this guy is a child
05:23 <UKNOME> KnightOwl omg a game where u play premade
05:26 <UKNOME> KnightOwl so good
05:31 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr and that is very hurtful
05:36 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ouch I am a child
05:42 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr called out by a sore loser
06:20 gas 3 +93 <DSGoku> Freeza
06:22 tier 3 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr
06:42 <UKNOME> KnightOwl i'll check ur history and prove that u guys r premade
07:00 gas 3 +73 <DyZerO> felipe
07:04 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr u dont need to do anything and u'll be just pathetic enough
07:06 <DSGoku> Freeza there's such function to check while playing? Lol
07:07 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr lmfao
07:21 <UKNOME> KnightOwl we'll see ur history
07:29 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr sure thing
07:32 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr and what
07:41 <UKNOME> KnightOwl so much skill playing premade
07:41 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr gonna be another of ur excuse?
07:42 tier 3 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
07:51 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr says an uknome
07:55 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ironic af
07:57 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr lmfao
08:00 gas 1 +193 Comrade
08:02 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr trash being sore
08:11 <UKNOME> KnightOwl it's a clan i didn't come up with it dumbasses
08:21 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr never said so
08:34 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ok that dumbass really hurts
08:40 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ouchy ouchy
08:44 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr just like ur game play
08:46 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr failure
08:52 <UKNOME> KnightOwl come to my playground of wb
08:57 tier 3 <DyZerO> felipe
09:00 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr LMFAO
09:28 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr dont
09:30 gas 2 +73 Comrade
09:34 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr u already said u play wb
09:43 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr will be no excuse for sore loserr
09:45 <UKNOME> KnightOwl i'll invite ur whole team
09:49 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr LMFAO
09:54 <DSGoku> Freeza i given u so many chances, why aren't your progressing
10:04 <DSGoku> Freeza i gasses up all
10:20 gas 4 -102 <DSGoku> Freeza
10:25 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr dsgoku shit just as pathetic
10:39 tier 3 <SGCPE> Davval
11:00 gas 3 -47 Comrade
11:26 gas 2 +15 <UKNOME> KnightOwl
12:33 tier 3 <DSGoku> Freeza
13:42 <DSGoku> Freeza glhf hi
13:44 <DSGoku> Freeza wp gj
14:39 gas 2 -81 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr
15:36 gas 3 -185 <SGCPE> Davval
19:26 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr sore loser needs an excuse for every lose well played pathetic ego noob
19:27 game ended
19:30 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ez
19:31 <ClanHs> ThorsGoBrrrr ez