Game #2120089 — 2023-10-28

raynor 31
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 1
minerals: 70 | killed: 13k
2107 +49
artanis 67
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 87 | killed: 11k
1609 +49
zagara 21
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 248 | killed: 12k
2721 +49
957 -4
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 143 | killed: 11k
abathur 24
2553 -49
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -37 | killed: 10k
kerrigan 4
1232 -49
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 26 | killed: 15k
zagara 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +127 adiboss
00:02 gas 1 +127 <WWOGU> RAVEN
00:09 gas 1 +123 Globocnik
00:12 gas 1 +122 Hanzo
00:16 gas 1 +119 NORADII
00:23 gas 1 +116 <Hoxo> Athernal
00:37 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 adiboss
01:39 tier 2 Globocnik
01:42 gas 2 +2 Hanzo
01:55 Globocnik your madar has onli fens and your fadar abendoned yu
02:06 adiboss ? i didn't abandon him, i just went for milk
02:08 adiboss 20 years ago
02:12 NORADII hahahahahahah (rofl) (rofl)
02:14 gas 2 -15 adiboss
02:17 gas 2 -16 <Hoxo> Athernal
02:32 tier 2 NORADII
02:35 tier 3 Globocnik
02:48 NORADII that doesnt change the fakt that you are a gay
03:01 adiboss your mother wouldn't agree
03:03 adiboss ask her
03:21 <Hoxo> Athernal i am gay and your mother said im good in bed ;p
03:28 Globocnik atleast I don`t look for my mom on onli fens to see what she posted
03:46 adiboss but not for me
03:49 NORADII you dont look cause u are a gay , you looking for mans (rofl) (rofl)
04:05 adiboss idk man, u kinda losing
04:06 Globocnik but I don`t look for ur mom, you do man
04:08 adiboss ez
04:15 gas 3 -150 adiboss
04:19 NORADII nahhh
04:26 gas 3 -156 <Hoxo> Athernal
05:29 gas 2 -112 NORADII
05:37 tier 2 <Hoxo> Athernal
06:08 tier 2 Hanzo
06:43 tier 3 NORADII
06:51 adiboss allahu akbhar
06:59 tier 3 <Hoxo> Athernal
07:41 cannon destroyed
07:49 gas 2 -182 <WWOGU> RAVEN
08:38 adiboss OOOO BROODLORDS
08:40 adiboss DONT KILL ME SIR
08:42 adiboss IM A VIRJIN
09:10 Globocnik YOUR WAVE GO BOOM
09:14 adiboss you are so unlucky
09:16 game ended
09:17 adiboss our raynor is so fucking autistic
09:19 adiboss and you still lost
09:19 adiboss lmao
09:20 Globocnik your madar has onli fens and your fadar abendoned yu
09:23 NORADII kerigan also \