Game #2129053 — 2022-10-12

terran 65
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -19 | killed: 15k
4260 +10
terran 312
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -85 | killed: 13k
6037 +10
terran 20
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 196 | killed: 11k
1426 +10
902 -1
apm: 16 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 7k
terran 38
1831 -10
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -214 | killed: 9k
protoss 9
2278 -10
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -286 | killed: 14k
protoss 64


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 <GrHero> VedaPrime gl hf
00:04 gas 1 +124 <PnMn> Sathix
00:09 <GSGa> Easy glhf
00:09 NinjaBlade glhf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:57 tier 2 NinjaBlade
01:11 tier 2 <AMОGUS> WildSTiL
02:12 tier 2 <GrHero> VedaPrime
02:36 tier 2 nLdCpAwesome
04:37 gas 1 -12 NinjaBlade
04:52 gas 1 -20 <GrHero> VedaPrime
05:08 cannon destroyed
05:14 gas 1 -31 <GSGa> Easy
05:44 gas 1 -46 nLdCpAwesome
06:11 tier 2 <GSGa> Easy
06:19 tier 3 NinjaBlade
06:22 gas 2 -140 <GrHero> VedaPrime
06:32 gas 2 -145 <PnMn> Sathix
06:49 tier 2 <PnMn> Sathix
07:20 gas 2 -168 nLdCpAwesome
07:25 gas 2 -171 <GSGa> Easy
07:25 <PnMn> Sathix yellow build nothing last 3 r ounds and we still loosin xD
07:51 NinjaBlade no i just went full cheese mode
08:00 tier 3 <PnMn> Sathix
08:02 gas 3 -265 <PnMn> Sathix
08:19 gas 3 -273 <GrHero> VedaPrime
08:34 gas 2 -206 NinjaBlade
08:35 <GSGa> Easy vikings tho
08:44 <PnMn> Sathix but 0 emps
08:57 NinjaBlade all them vikings to kill one raven
09:07 gas 3 -297 <GSGa> Easy
09:08 <PnMn> Sathix yes
09:12 <GSGa> Easy gg
09:14 game ended
09:14 <GrHero> VedaPrime gg
09:15 NinjaBlade gg