Game #2129579 — 2023-07-19

zerg 2
apm: 18 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 188 | killed: 73k
1905 -13
zerg 33
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 284 | killed: 56k
2473 -13
protoss 68
apm: 13 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 309 | killed: 82k
2697 -13
5954 +13
apm: 86 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2241 | killed: 115k
terran 701
2342 +13
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1843 | killed: 60k
zerg 71
525 +1
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1719 | killed: 101k
protoss 575


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:09 <GSGa> Easy glhf
00:14 Maxas u2
00:30 LipsOfJolie u2 suck, bono is a shi t
00:36 <GSGa> Easy true
00:36 first unit on mid
00:41 <GSGa> Easy bono bo
00:46 tier 2 LipsOfJolie
00:49 tier 2 TeKotahi
00:50 tier 2 Badebaer
00:52 tier 2 GouleFutée
00:58 tier 2 <GSGa> Easy
01:00 TeKotahi Why?
01:19 TeKotahi I don't like the music but why they suck?
01:45 LipsOfJolie cuz bono is a biggest shi t in the world
01:47 TeKotahi Why does everyone hate Bono?
01:54 TeKotahi Why?
02:12 LipsOfJolie haha
02:24 TeKotahi You can't say someone sux and not have a reason
02:36 LipsOfJolie i tell you a reason bro
02:38 tier 2 Maxas
03:33 TeKotahi don't need this shit
03:33 TeKotahi ffs
03:33 TeKotahi last game of the night
03:33 LipsOfJolie fkn bono ruined our game
04:03 gas 1 +446 <GSGa> Easy
06:35 tier 3 LipsOfJolie
08:17 gas 2 +244 <GSGa> Easy
08:36 gas 1 +309 Badebaer
08:43 tier 3 TeKotahi
08:59 gas 1 +298 GouleFutée
09:03 bunker destroyed
09:08 <GSGa> Easy <-----
09:26 gas 1 +284 LipsOfJolie
09:27 gas 1 +284 TeKotahi
09:47 gas 3 +124 <GSGa> Easy
10:50 gas 2 +168 GouleFutée
11:24 gas 4 +0 <GSGa> Easy
12:39 gas 1 +188 Maxas
12:45 gas 3 +35 GouleFutée
13:26 tier 3 <GSGa> Easy
14:15 gas 4 -85 GouleFutée
15:51 tier 3 GouleFutée
16:08 gas 2 +8 TeKotahi
16:42 tier 3 Maxas
23:56 game ended
23:58 Badebaer gg
23:58 <GSGa> Easy <----
24:00 <GSGa> Easy pew pew
24:00 TeKotahi g