Game #2131440 — 2024-03-05

zerg 762
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 586 | killed: 45k
7349 +4
terran 989
apm: 25 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 328 | killed: 37k
6542 +4
terran 82
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 574 | killed: 41k
3526 +4
1945 -4
apm: 9 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 24k
protoss 13
1606 -4
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -2 | killed: 25k
protoss 21
2002 -4
apm: 93 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 310 | killed: 28k
terran 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +310 koffy
00:22 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle glhf
00:26 koffy hf
00:27 <dGreat> rubberbandy gl
00:38 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 <dGreat> rubberbandy
01:21 tier 2 Rakzy
01:48 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle classic
01:55 <DSNSFW> Jay hello green can i help you? i cant help but notice you peeking up my skirt
02:07 tier 2 <DSNSFW> Jay
02:30 tier 2 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle
03:16 tier 3 <DSNSFW> Jay
03:42 <DSNSFW> Jay hello again green
03:45 <DSNSFW> Jay can i help you?
04:30 <DSNSFW> Jay you die now
04:53 <DSNSFW> Jay next time just ask save yoru scans id of gladly told you
05:12 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo we sports manner
05:25 gas 1 +148 <dGreat> rubberbandy
05:27 tier 2 koffy
05:50 gas 1 +136 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
05:50 <DSNSFW> Jay you can rage quit now please
05:52 cannon destroyed
06:12 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle do people rage quit in arcade games in SC2?
06:18 gas 1 +121 <DSNSFW> Jay
06:20 <dGreat> rubberbandy a lot lol
06:27 <DSNSFW> Jay green should the second i mopped his dumbass
06:37 tier 3 <dGreat> rubberbandy
06:55 gas 2 +28 <dGreat> rubberbandy
07:14 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle i like BC rush but to be fair it fails as often as it works... big shout out to your team for carrying for 5min
07:21 <DSNSFW> Jay pssst... voids dont counter bcs...
07:23 tier 2 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
07:29 gas 2 +11 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
07:31 <DSNSFW> Jay check my record after the match..
07:37 <DSNSFW> Jay tell me how much it fails...
07:59 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle im not that concerned lol. I've seen it fail enough. Good on you for mastering it I guess.
08:17 <DSNSFW> Jay I like dark green...
08:18 <dGreat> rubberbandy see what he fails to mention is that it works because he gets carried
08:26 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle 100%
08:28 <DSNSFW> Jay those viks help my target pratice
08:55 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle you can tell it doesnt work much for him, cause of how much he is shit talking lol...if it worked all the time youd just go with it
09:06 <DSNSFW> Jay ROFL
09:15 gas 3 -117 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
09:17 <DSNSFW> Jay bandy how often do i lose bc rushing?
09:20 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo shots fired!
09:25 <dGreat> rubberbandy without me? probably every time
09:29 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle oh youre playing with friends? there ya go
09:40 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle case closed homie
09:41 <DSNSFW> Jay i play with pubs often
09:50 gas 3 -134 <dGreat> rubberbandy
10:07 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle no you dont, 50% of PUBS will quit when they see BCs rush on their team cause its mega shit against anyone who isnt being carried
10:12 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle just embrace it, its cool
10:16 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle doesnt make you less of a man
10:26 gas 1 -2 Rakzy
10:31 gas 2 -80 <DSNSFW> Jay
10:40 <DSNSFW> Jay im amused by his igorance in doubting i bc rush almost always regarless of the team
11:07 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle im sure you do, Im also sure you lose most of the time in PUBs with it
11:18 <DSNSFW> Jay feel free to check the record as i stated
11:37 <DSNSFW> Jay theres no need to argue when theres a recrod
11:40 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle your own homie sold you out beo
11:52 <DSNSFW> Jay see above
12:07 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo off topic, im curious, whats ur best move as protoss if you see swarm host first
12:14 <DSNSFW> Jay air
12:24 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle no lol
12:29 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle thats insanely bad
12:35 <DSNSFW> Jay says the guy losing to it...
12:40 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle i didnt lose my wave
12:41 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle at all
12:45 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle to swarms
12:46 <DSNSFW> Jay you got mopped
12:51 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle LOL dude just stop
12:54 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle youre reaching
12:57 <DSNSFW> Jay no thanks i prefer to go
13:17 tier 3 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
13:18 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo this is a great game just because of the chat lol
13:30 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle zealots out perform swarms mineral to power ratio, just get an Obs and you'll win that match
13:42 <DSNSFW> Jay i wonder when hell realize the only reason this hasnt ended is because i havent allowed it by jumping forward and nuking the base
13:45 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle you can see that happen in this exact game replay
13:50 <DSNSFW> Jay instead im enjoying manually targeting the useless viks
13:55 gas 3 -257 <DSNSFW> Jay
13:58 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle dude i havent built a unit in 3 mins
14:00 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle get real
14:05 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo so u only go full zealot?
14:16 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle until they build something else
14:23 <dGreat> rubberbandy (rofl)(rofl)
14:26 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle its a hard counter to swarms
14:31 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo word
14:46 <DSNSFW> Jay bandy please pipe in lol before i end it this wave
14:50 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo what about adepts
14:55 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo since they good vs light
15:00 <dGreat> rubberbandy do not go zealots, basically ever
15:03 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo or a mix of both
15:16 <dGreat> rubberbandy gg
15:20 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle chargelots are super strong
15:22 game ended
15:22 <DRKRPT> BlueEagle this guy is dumb
15:25 <DSNSFW> Jay EZPZ idiot