Game #2133853 — 2023-06-14

terran 948
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 162 | killed: 319k
5871 -172
protoss 26
apm: 46 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
1839 -172
terran 10
apm: 29 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
698 -17
2049 +172
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 875 | killed: 124k
terran 10
3101 +172
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1341 | killed: 94k
protoss 21
2628 +172
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1107 | killed: 102k
terran 162


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 leaver Wilfred
00:49 tier 2 Hoher
00:51 leaver Strike
00:59 Resiident love it...
01:01 gas 1 +585 Atomik
01:02 tier 2 Atomik
01:29 Atomik you gased ...
01:36 Resiident nope
01:45 <яєѕ> laststand gas is the ealiest way to death
01:57 Resiident i know that
03:03 tier 2 Resiident
04:27 tier 2 <яєѕ> laststand
05:15 tier 3 <яєѕ> laststand
07:24 gas 1 +393 <яєѕ> laststand
08:17 gas 1 +367 Hoher
08:26 gas 1 +362 Resiident
08:49 gas 2 +276 Atomik
09:00 gas 2 +270 <яєѕ> laststand
09:56 tier 3 Resiident
11:53 bunker destroyed
11:55 gas 3 +107 Atomik
12:01 gas 2 +180 Hoher
13:09 gas 3 +71 <яєѕ> laststand
13:32 tier 3 Atomik
15:48 gas 2 +66 Resiident
17:00 gas 3 -45 Hoher
19:02 gas 3 -106 Resiident
20:14 cannon destroyed
21:16 tier 3 Hoher
22:30 gas 4 -285 Resiident
25:13 tier 4 <яєѕ> laststand
25:15 tier 4 Resiident
25:20 tier 4 Atomik
25:31 game ended