Game #2139345 — 2024-03-08

terran 794
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 185 | killed: 28k
4881 +2
terran 776
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 773 | killed: 30k
8372 +2
zerg 1682
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1051 | killed: 25k
6714 +2
1296 -2
apm: 8 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
protoss 29
1794 -2
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -342 | killed: 6k
protoss 11
386 -1
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 34 | killed: 44k
protoss 838


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 gas 1 +38 QWERKZ
00:09 gas 1 +252 <Yepta> Wasp
00:20 leaver Leto
00:44 TeKotahi Oh
00:51 tier 2 <DSKING> Xeros
00:54 tier 2 TeKotahi
00:58 first unit on mid
01:04 tier 2 QWERKZ
01:05 tier 2 <DIRSTK> Duke
01:11 <Yepta> Wasp mutas here
02:46 gas 2 +99 <Yepta> Wasp
03:00 gas 2 -124 QWERKZ
04:42 gas 3 -34 <Yepta> Wasp
04:49 cannon destroyed
04:49 <Yepta> Wasp now gas
04:50 gas 1 +112 <DIRSTK> Duke
04:52 gas 1 +111 <DSKING> Xeros
04:55 gas 3 -256 QWERKZ
05:06 TeKotahi I have 3 gas noob
05:12 <Yepta> Wasp u pro then
05:13 gas 1 +100 TeKotahi
05:39 tier 2 <Yepta> Wasp
06:23 leaver QWERKZ
06:27 <DSKING> Xeros bye
06:32 <Yepta> Wasp sorry
06:33 TeKotahi Noob was defeated (rofl)
06:40 <Yepta> Wasp im talking whit lord tekotahi
06:47 <Yepta> Wasp
06:53 tier 3 <DIRSTK> Duke
06:57 <Yepta> Wasp 25% winrate
07:01 <Yepta> Wasp oh lord pro
07:12 TeKotahi I get a lot of noob teams
07:18 <Yepta> Wasp like you
08:06 gas 2 -61 <DIRSTK> Duke
08:15 <Yepta> Wasp 24%...... xd
08:15 gas 2 -66 TeKotahi
08:27 gas 2 -72 <DSKING> Xeros
08:41 <Yepta> Wasp playinf from 2018 and 25%
08:50 <Yepta> Wasp better
09:00 tier 3 <DSKING> Xeros
09:42 <Yepta> Wasp leave, dont be ridiculous
10:31 <Yepta> Wasp u did you 3 gas idiot
10:44 <Yepta> Wasp retarded from start
10:54 TeKotahi I don't have 3 gas
11:09 TeKotahi Scan and see
11:11 gas 3 -228 <DIRSTK> Duke
12:02 <DSKING> Xeros still here?
12:10 TeKotahi Yup
12:16 <DSKING> Xeros but why?
12:29 TeKotahi I play till the end
13:28 gas 4 -372 <DIRSTK> Duke
13:35 game ended