Game #2151638 — 2024-03-13

raynor 171
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 602 | killed: 33k
4029 +50
vorazun 463
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 535 | killed: 28k
3013 +50
abathur 6
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 575 | killed: 9k
2897 +50
2002 -50
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -26 | killed: 15k
fenix 4
3896 -50
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -34 | killed: 22k
swann 44
1866 -50
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -144 | killed: 17k
fenix 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +119 LiquidWater
00:02 gas 1 +119 ChaoticNerd
00:02 gas 1 +119 GamingDad
00:15 gas 1 +113 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ
00:20 gas 1 +110 <Kusshh> bee
00:23 gas 1 +108 TheWall
00:31 <Kusshh> bee gl hf
00:35 ChaoticNerd glhf
00:45 first unit on mid
00:49 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ bro dont even talk to me if u dont know who larry csonka is
00:52 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ fuck outta here bee
00:56 <Kusshh> bee ok
00:59 tier 2 GamingDad
01:00 tier 2 LiquidWater
01:13 tier 2 TheWall
01:16 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ and when i die, make sure you spread my blood on a BMW
01:19 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ albania #1
01:26 tier 2 ChaoticNerd
01:28 TheWall i love albania
01:31 gas 2 -1 LiquidWater
01:44 tier 2 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ
01:48 gas 2 -9 ChaoticNerd
01:53 gas 2 -12 TheWall
02:00 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ hell ya this one for all my sqiptars out there
02:01 gas 2 -16 GamingDad
02:06 gas 2 -18 <Kusshh> bee
02:15 TheWall love the sword dance song
02:18 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ bro
02:20 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ you so real
02:21 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ (hearts)
02:23 tier 2 <Kusshh> bee
02:31 gas 2 -31 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ
02:39 TheWall cuz i got albanian friends in college
03:31 gas 3 -136 ChaoticNerd
03:33 gas 3 -137 GamingDad
03:34 gas 3 -137 LiquidWater
03:43 gas 3 -142 TheWall
04:45 cannon destroyed
04:56 gas 3 -178 <Kusshh> bee
05:02 tier 3 <Kusshh> bee
06:20 tier 3 TheWall
06:31 gas 3 -226 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ
07:59 tier 3 GamingDad
08:39 tier 3 <i8u> NoSkiIIZ
08:59 TheWall sry brother this game mode is fked up
09:01 game ended
09:03 <Kusshh> bee gg
09:05 LiquidWater gg