Game #2196788 — 2024-04-02

stukov 91
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1426 | killed: 73k
2984 -62
stetmann 4
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1542 | killed: 91k
2051 -62
tychus 1
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1574 | killed: 77k
2944 -62
1927 +62
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2015 | killed: 103k
vorazun 3
2293 +62
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2130 | killed: 111k
swann 15
1854 +62
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1960 | killed: 119k
mengsk 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +607 Levic
00:07 <Kusshh> bee gl hf
00:13 gas 1 +601 ProToss
00:19 Levic (glhf)
00:36 gas 1 +590 Gilliwan
00:37 first unit on mid
00:37 gas 1 +589 Iron
00:51 gas 1 +582 <Kusshh> bee
01:20 gas 1 +568 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF
01:31 tier 2 Levic
01:33 gas 2 +487 Levic
01:44 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF glhf
01:46 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF (rofl)
01:49 tier 2 Gilliwan
01:58 gas 2 +474 ProToss
02:05 tier 2 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF
02:06 gas 2 +470 Gilliwan
02:25 gas 2 +460 Iron
02:43 tier 2 Iron
02:58 tier 3 Gilliwan
03:03 gas 3 +366 Levic
03:07 gas 2 +439 <Kusshh> bee
03:34 tier 2 ProToss
03:45 gas 3 +345 Gilliwan
04:00 gas 2 +413 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF
04:07 tier 3 Levic
04:14 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF oh its bee
04:20 <Kusshh> bee hello there
04:23 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF hello!
04:34 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF switched ur clan
04:41 <Kusshh> bee did i?
04:44 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF idk
04:46 tier 3 Iron
04:49 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF or maybe theres 2 of you?
04:59 <Kusshh> bee always been a fan of the kush my friend
05:00 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF or im just trippin
05:07 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF Kush is a great thing
05:08 gas 3 +304 ProToss
05:09 <Kusshh> bee there may be others i dunno
05:23 gas 3 +296 Iron
05:30 gas 3 +293 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF
05:56 gas 3 +280 <Kusshh> bee
06:10 tier 2 <Kusshh> bee
06:58 cannon destroyed
08:59 tier 3 ProToss
08:59 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF That was very rude.
09:08 Gilliwan Sorry I didn't use lube
10:24 gas 4 +71 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF
10:50 bunker destroyed
10:56 gas 4 +55 Iron
10:56 gas 4 +55 Levic
11:18 gas 4 +44 Gilliwan
11:30 gas 4 +38 ProToss
13:15 tier 3 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF
16:17 Levic so
16:19 Levic rude
16:29 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF Sorry we didn't use lube
16:44 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF This upgraded into a train we're runnin
17:19 tier 3 <Kusshh> bee
22:37 <Kusshh> bee love your build iron
24:56 Gilliwan Can you guys add the lube before you ram it in
25:05 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF We keep forgetting man
25:12 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF sorry bout that
25:13 tier 4 Levic
25:15 tier 4 Iron
25:16 tier 4 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF
25:17 game ended
25:18 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF t4
25:19 Levic (gg)
25:19 <Kusshh> bee gg
25:20 <FBDGAF> FacebookDGAF gg wp
25:21 Gilliwan gg
25:22 Iron ggwp