Game #2201980 — 2023-09-13

raynor 87
apm: 48 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 942 | killed: 27k
5041 +16
fenix 42
apm: 26 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 919 | killed: 30k
4057 +16
zagara 153
apm: 20 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 834 | killed: 10k
4819 +16
1448 -16
apm: 22 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 13 | killed: 28k
raynor 22
963 -1
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 152 | killed: 14k
stukov 1
2183 -16
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 191 | killed: 26k
nova 7


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +222 <ZExec> Biometrix
00:11 gas 1 +218 MrWin
00:14 gas 1 +216 Roflcopter
00:16 gas 1 +215 maicol
00:17 gas 1 +215 kewei
00:30 MrWin Hello there friends and future lovers
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 Frank I know you
00:51 Frank you're the guy from the discord
00:52 <ZExec> Biometrix I know your mother
00:54 tier 2 kewei
00:55 tier 2 maicol
01:00 tier 2 <ZExec> Biometrix
01:12 <ZExec> Biometrix but yes, I'm the pedantic fuck
01:18 <ZExec> Biometrix nice to meet you
01:26 Frank huh
01:32 gas 2 +102 <ZExec> Biometrix
01:36 Frank why would you refer to yourself as pedantic
01:41 MrWin it's his thing
01:43 Frank oh wait I remembered who you were
01:43 <ZExec> Biometrix because it's the truth
01:59 MrWin honestly he should go by "MrPedantic" or something
02:03 tier 2 Roflcopter
02:06 gas 2 +85 maicol
02:09 gas 2 +83 MrWin
02:12 Frank ^
02:20 tier 3 maicol
02:23 Frank mf
02:39 tier 2 Frank
03:21 tier 2 MrWin
03:35 tier 3 Roflcopter
04:24 gas 1 +91 Frank
04:56 tier 3 <ZExec> Biometrix
06:05 gas 3 -109 maicol
06:59 tier 3 Frank
06:59 <ZExec> Biometrix find me yes
07:02 gas 2 -63 kewei
07:05 Frank lol
07:27 Frank dw, I know what you're going for
07:32 <ZExec> Biometrix huh?
07:32 gas 2 -78 Frank
09:05 cannon destroyed
11:27 Frank get tanks yellow
11:30 <ZExec> Biometrix no
11:38 MrWin get marines
11:41 MrWin just mass them
12:02 Frank unplug the router, yellow
12:05 MrWin yes
12:05 <ZExec> Biometrix no
12:18 Frank gg
12:24 <ZExec> Biometrix gotta respect abbs
12:27 <ZExec> Biometrix gg
12:27 game ended
12:29 MrWin gg
12:33 Frank retard
12:35 Frank yellow