Game #2201988 — 2023-09-20

artanis 17
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1857 | killed: 68k
4173 +32
tychus 231
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1381 | killed: 68k
4868 +32
stetmann 31
apm: 46 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1524 | killed: 64k
5122 +32
1906 -32
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 449 | killed: 89k
swann 8
2800 -32
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -208 | killed: 3k
mengsk 29
3782 -32
apm: 32 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 461 | killed: 108k
dehaka 33


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +461 Nakid
00:04 gas 1 +52 Foamation
00:20 <ZExec> Biometrix 1 shot your shit bitch
00:22 gas 1 +451 Roflcopter
00:23 <ZExec> Biometrix LOL
00:27 gas 1 +449 breezy
00:29 MrWin Hello there friends and future lovers
00:38 first unit on mid
00:44 <ZExec> Biometrix errr... wrong copy paste
00:48 Roflcopter Wow the BM
00:48 tier 2 <ZExec> Biometrix
00:50 gas 1 +438 MrWin
01:08 MrWin you can tell there is some repressed rage
01:29 tier 3 <ZExec> Biometrix
01:31 tier 2 Nakid
01:37 gas 2 -70 Foamation
01:39 tier 2 Foamation
02:20 gas 2 +318 MrWin
02:27 tier 2 MrWin
02:38 tier 2 breezy
03:07 gas 3 -190 Foamation
03:26 gas 1 +360 <ZExec> Biometrix
04:11 gas 3 +187 MrWin
04:56 gas 2 +240 <ZExec> Biometrix
06:49 leaver Foamation
06:53 gas 3 +106 <ZExec> Biometrix
06:56 <ZExec> Biometrix didn't even HAVE a vega
07:00 MrWin fuckin leavers today
08:18 Roflcopter Your cannon has now been decorated!
08:44 tier 2 Roflcopter
11:07 gas 4 -96 <ZExec> Biometrix
11:38 tier 3 Roflcopter
12:24 gas 2 +16 Roflcopter
14:32 tier 3 breezy
14:52 tier 3 Nakid
15:07 cannon destroyed
15:57 tier 3 MrWin
20:26 <ZExec> Biometrix gg
20:26 game ended
20:26 Nakid gg
20:28 MrWin gg
20:29 Roflcopter gg