Game #2215124 — 2024-04-11

terran 3135
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3156 | killed: 175k
6835 +10
zerg 165
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 3087 | killed: 152k
3895 +10
terran 168
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2809 | killed: 150k
881 +1
822 -1
apm: 12 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 910
terran 74
1383 -10
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 747 | killed: 177k
zerg 6
1852 -10
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 892 | killed: 267k
terran 32


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:08 <Gchads> GigaChad glhf
00:10 <DSFTWA> DesertFox reaper party!
00:37 first unit on mid
00:54 tier 2 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
01:52 tier 3 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
02:59 tier 2 BabaYaga
03:18 leaver Petake
03:43 <DSFTWA> DesertFox if u guys leave, we'll rematch you to make it fair
04:06 <DSFTWA> DesertFox serious, want to restart?
04:45 tier 2 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
05:11 gas 1 +667 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
05:17 tier 2 Mazuma
06:35 tier 2 <Gchads> GigaChad
07:19 gas 1 +603 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
08:26 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy we dont negotiate with terrorists
08:38 BabaYaga long time
08:56 gas 1 +554 Mazuma
09:05 tier 3 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
09:06 gas 2 +474 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
09:43 gas 1 +531 <Gchads> GigaChad
09:58 gas 1 +523 BabaYaga
11:09 tier 3 Mazuma
11:41 tier 3 <Gchads> GigaChad
12:43 cannon destroyed
12:48 gas 2 +363 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
12:58 gas 2 +358 <Gchads> GigaChad
13:16 gas 2 +349 Mazuma
14:49 gas 3 +228 <Gchads> GigaChad
15:20 gas 3 +212 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
17:14 gas 3 +155 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
17:57 gas 4 +59 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
18:35 gas 3 +115 Mazuma
18:44 gas 2 +185 BabaYaga
20:08 <DSFTWA> DesertFox why are u guys still here
20:15 <DSFTWA> DesertFox 3vs 2 timing sucks
20:16 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy can we remake
20:23 <DSFTWA> DesertFox you can't win and it drags it out
20:27 BabaYaga sure we can
20:42 <DSFTWA> DesertFox no u really can't, this was over at the lobby
21:04 tier 3 BabaYaga
21:06 gas 3 +39 BabaYaga
22:03 gas 4 -64 Mazuma
22:24 <DSFTWA> DesertFox we have 4 gas since 10min mark
22:34 <DSFTWA> DesertFox game was way over when your names show up
22:36 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy 2 gas at 4 nub
23:55 Mazuma you cannot get more thors than we can
25:13 tier 4 Mazuma
25:14 tier 4 BabaYaga
25:21 tier 4 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
25:41 tier 4 <Gchads> GigaChad
26:01 tier 4 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
27:24 gas 4 -225 <Gchads> GigaChad
29:14 <DSFTWA> DesertFox is this over yet? stupik 3vs2 timing flaw
30:03 tier 5 Mazuma
30:03 tier 5 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
30:03 tier 5 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
30:10 tier 5 BabaYaga
30:23 tier 5 <Gchads> GigaChad
32:19 <DSFTWA> DesertFox ez
32:26 game ended