Game #2216811 — 2024-04-13

terran 9528
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 2243 | killed: 157k
7280 +5
protoss 22
apm: 72 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2317 | killed: 157k
2185 +5
terran 43
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1715 | killed: 76k
1818 +5
988 -1
apm: 13 | gas: 1 | tier: 4
minerals: 625 | killed: 226k
zerg 80
901 -1
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
terran 190
2259 -5
apm: 30 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 626 | killed: 181k
zerg 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:24 Police Good luck, teal
00:42 first unit on mid
00:47 MRPAPAGIORGI fuck is coldy
00:51 MRPAPAGIORGI im out
00:52 tier 2 <PCAKE> Coldy
00:52 tier 2 EPICERRECIPE
00:54 leaver MRPAPAGIORGI
01:00 JoeStrummer what the fucking fuck?
01:13 Police What the duck happend
01:51 tier 2 JoeStrummer
02:21 tier 3 EPICERRECIPE
03:52 tier 2 Police
06:57 tier 2 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
07:01 gas 1 +507 Police
07:11 bunker destroyed
07:14 gas 1 +501 <PCAKE> Coldy
07:17 gas 1 +500 JoeStrummer
08:30 gas 1 +463 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
09:23 gas 2 +362 Police
10:56 cannon destroyed
11:04 gas 2 +311 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
13:41 gas 1 +308 EPICERRECIPE
15:14 gas 3 +111 <NEWB4> GeneralXTank
15:57 gas 3 +90 Police
16:13 gas 2 +157 EPICERRECIPE
18:18 gas 3 +19 EPICERRECIPE
20:40 gas 4 -127 EPICERRECIPE
21:12 tier 3 <PCAKE> Coldy
25:05 tier 3 Police
25:41 tier 4 Police
26:06 tier 3 JoeStrummer
26:34 tier 4 EPICERRECIPE
26:37 tier 4 JoeStrummer
28:57 game ended