Game #2315507 — 2024-05-24

hanhorner 26
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2914 | killed: 132k
1529 +26
mengsk 117
apm: 40 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3439 | killed: 218k
4719 +26
fenix 10
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 2463 | killed: 141k
2754 +26
2857 -26
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 1420 | killed: 139k
mengsk 33
1092 -26
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1071 | killed: 172k
nova 28
2040 -26
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1818 | killed: 140k
stukov 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +770 monkeybreath
00:02 gas 1 +770 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk
00:04 gas 1 +769 Riyoshima
00:06 gas 1 +768 Whisper
00:11 gas 1 +765 ITCowboy
00:14 gas 1 +764 IBleedRed
00:38 first unit on mid
00:39 IBleedRed (glhf)
00:43 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk gl hf
00:44 Riyoshima gl hf
01:12 Whisper so what you're telling me is you're not a horseshoe crab
01:21 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk no just a regular crab
01:23 tier 2 IBleedRed
01:34 gas 2 +649 Riyoshima
01:35 IBleedRed <- hermit
01:54 Whisper hmm, okay, making sure your blood isn't blue
01:59 gas 2 +636 IBleedRed
02:50 gas 2 +611 monkeybreath
03:04 gas 3 +529 Riyoshima
03:18 Whisper enjoy the win other team
03:21 gas 2 +595 ITCowboy
03:25 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk ok thanks
03:32 Whisper got a 3 gas nub throwing a tantrum
03:46 Riyoshima sounds like you're throwing the tantrum
03:47 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk sounds like a good time
03:47 ITCowboy Actually... the 1 gasser is throwing the tantrum
04:03 tier 2 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk
04:38 tier 2 ITCowboy
04:49 tier 2 Riyoshima
05:27 gas 3 +457 monkeybreath
06:39 tier 2 Whisper
07:19 gas 2 +476 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk
08:32 tier 2 monkeybreath
09:05 tier 3 ITCowboy
09:31 gas 3 +335 IBleedRed
10:00 gas 4 +246 Riyoshima
10:19 tier 3 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk
10:44 gas 2 +374 Whisper
11:32 cannon destroyed
12:09 tier 3 Whisper
13:33 gas 3 +214 ITCowboy
15:03 gas 4 +94 ITCowboy
15:16 ITCowboy Luckily we have the best fenix in the country, nay... world! carrying us
18:12 gas 3 +75 Whisper
18:30 tier 3 Riyoshima
18:52 gas 4 -20 monkeybreath
19:31 tier 3 IBleedRed
25:13 tier 4 IBleedRed
25:13 tier 4 Riyoshima
25:20 tier 4 ITCowboy
25:40 tier 4 Whisper
25:45 tier 4 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk
26:25 tier 3 monkeybreath
26:31 gas 3 -175 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk
28:41 gas 4 -315 IBleedRed
29:43 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk gg
30:00 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk lol my gf just text me asking to be picked uyp lol
30:03 tier 5 Riyoshima
30:03 tier 5 ITCowboy
30:10 tier 5 IBleedRed
30:16 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk sorry to dip at the final moments
30:23 IBleedRed gg
30:25 ITCowboy Did your pillow fall off your bed?
30:31 tier 5 Whisper
30:36 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk yea and since i tied its hands it cant get back up
30:43 game ended
30:44 ITCowboy makes sense
30:45 monkeybreath gg
30:46 Riyoshima gg
30:47 <xLgNx> DaRealMengsk gg