Game #2322473 — 2023-08-29

dehaka 99
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1859 | killed: 267k
5149 +35
4027 -35
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 805 | killed: 256k
swann 21


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +564 GoldGolem
00:36 gas 1 +548 krombopulos
00:38 first unit on mid
01:49 tier 2 krombopulos
02:50 gas 2 +405 krombopulos
04:32 tier 2 GoldGolem
05:32 gas 2 +324 GoldGolem
06:08 gas 3 +231 krombopulos
08:21 tier 3 krombopulos
10:12 cannon destroyed
10:21 gas 4 +30 krombopulos
12:43 krombopulos would you like some advice to this game?
12:53 GoldGolem sure bro, I rando'd onto swann, not my main lol
13:00 krombopulos dont scan so muchh
13:04 GoldGolem awww shid
13:10 krombopulos its 25 mins that are wasted each time you do
13:11 GoldGolem my detectors such and cost a shid ton
13:27 krombopulos 25 minerals is equal to holding mid for 25 seconds
14:23 krombopulos its a lot of minerals that you lose
15:28 bunker destroyed
20:47 gas 3 -208 GoldGolem
22:14 tier 3 GoldGolem
23:06 GoldGolem It is a heavy cost, but only way to keep my tanks sieged and take out the hosts : (
23:17 krombopulos yea i know what you mean
23:21 krombopulos but its a losing strat
23:27 krombopulos losing 25 mins its a lot of money
23:44 krombopulos not sure what i would hhave done
23:49 GoldGolem gg wp
23:52 game ended
23:52 krombopulos prolly stealth wraiths
23:54 GoldGolem mass wairths meme
23:56 GoldGolem lol
23:59 krombopulos lol
24:00 krombopulos yea
24:01 GoldGolem gg wp
24:02 krombopulos gg wp