Game #2324784 — 2024-03-28

stetmann 5
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2534 | killed: 365k
4037 +90
3488 -90
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1515 | killed: 335k
stetmann 26


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 gas 1 +632 <BeLoMe> MrSexist
00:16 gas 1 +627 SoulEateR
00:37 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 SoulEateR
01:10 tier 2 <BeLoMe> MrSexist
01:24 <BeLoMe> MrSexist nice..
01:34 <BeLoMe> MrSexist mirror match
01:36 SoulEateR fun its mirror
01:44 gas 2 +508 <BeLoMe> MrSexist
03:39 gas 3 +375 <BeLoMe> MrSexist
04:23 gas 2 +428 SoulEateR
04:51 tier 3 <BeLoMe> MrSexist
05:45 tier 3 SoulEateR
05:51 cannon destroyed
08:31 SoulEateR gg
08:37 <BeLoMe> MrSexist never
08:42 SoulEateR sooon
12:17 gas 3 +116 SoulEateR
17:18 SoulEateR i dont think you can win without lurkers
17:47 gas 4 -124 SoulEateR
20:28 <BeLoMe> MrSexist what are we doing with our lives?
20:38 SoulEateR winning pointless games (rofl)
20:48 SoulEateR sorry spoke too soon
25:17 SoulEateR galant effort tho i must commend you
25:27 tier 4 SoulEateR
25:31 <BeLoMe> MrSexist its depressing
25:49 SoulEateR i got mid for too long
25:52 tier 4 <BeLoMe> MrSexist
25:58 SoulEateR its hard to get mid control in mirror
26:04 SoulEateR your gas rush didnt pay out tho
26:11 game ended