Game #2328350 — 2024-05-30

protoss 97
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 687 | killed: 27k
967 -0
terran 32
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 798 | killed: 60k
5413 +37
terran 190
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1082 | killed: 80k
1090 +37
944 -3
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 145 | killed: 33k
protoss 117
4405 -37
apm: 40 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 150 | killed: 34k
protoss 694
1542 -37
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 77 | killed: 52k
terran 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:49 first unit on mid
00:57 gas 1 +277 Angeal
01:02 tier 2 Sektor
04:16 tier 2 MagicWitch
05:10 gas 1 +256 Dzony
05:27 gas 1 +247 FanatiK
05:51 tier 2 Angeal
05:53 tier 2 FanatiK
07:00 tier 3 Sektor
07:33 gas 2 +109 FanatiK
07:35 tier 2 XylophoneØ
07:39 cannon destroyed
07:40 gas 1 +180 MagicWitch
07:46 gas 1 +125 XylophoneØ
08:18 tier 2 Dzony
08:46 tier 3 FanatiK
08:47 tier 3 MagicWitch
08:51 gas 1 +145 Sektor
09:08 gas 3 -14 FanatiK
09:16 gas 2 +5 XylophoneØ
10:22 gas 2 +24 MagicWitch
11:12 tier 3 XylophoneØ
11:34 Angeal Green = stupid noob
11:46 Sektor ahahahahah no cry
11:47 FanatiK EEP
11:55 gas 2 -127 Angeal
12:01 Angeal youa re a noob
12:03 Angeal just accept it
12:18 Sektor U noobs))))
12:31 Angeal saying that wont make you look less nboob
12:43 Sektor F U NOOB)))
12:49 Angeal still a noob
13:01 gas 3 -183 XylophoneØ
13:33 gas 3 -146 MagicWitch
13:37 tier 3 Dzony
14:35 Sektor go game and relax NOOB)))
15:00 Sektor U very NOOB)
15:10 Angeal Carry yourselfg you stupid noob
15:10 MagicWitch sorry for noobing out. just having fun here
15:12 afk Angeal
15:55 Angeal keep building carfrier noob
16:15 MagicWitch i cant build carrier. i am terran
16:24 Angeal i am not talking to you
16:31 MagicWitch you said noob. thats me
16:41 Angeal shut up noob
16:47 MagicWitch sorry
16:53 Angeal you and green suit well together
16:56 afk XylophoneØ
16:57 MagicWitch yes
17:10 gas 2 -179 Dzony
17:16 MagicWitch but i dont understand the bad manners
17:20 MagicWitch really
17:34 Angeal why did you go afk red?
17:45 Sektor f u leave
18:03 Sektor go cry
18:42 game ended
18:45 Sektor gg