Game #2329927 — 2024-01-08

zerg 828
apm: 33 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1011 | killed: 126k
7619 +9
protoss 4347
apm: 67 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 541 | killed: 106k
6772 +9
terran 1540
apm: 29 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 939 | killed: 136k
7269 +9
3674 -9
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1179 | killed: 110k
zerg 888
2417 -9
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1790 | killed: 113k
terran 62
1911 -9
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1399 | killed: 91k
protoss 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:20 <TirolA> Apache if i realised quick enough i was host u wouldnt be here red
00:29 Matlohyn And you are ?
00:42 <TirolA> Apache yes
00:46 tier 2 <TirolA> Apache
00:48 tier 2 <TirolA> BigMac
00:50 Matlohyn Yes is not an answer
00:54 <TirolA> Apache yes
00:55 <TirolA> BigMac he is ur dad
00:59 <TirolA> BigMac pay respect
01:00 first unit on mid
01:01 <TirolA> Apache yes
01:02 Matlohyn Ok cool story bro
01:02 tier 2 Matlohyn
01:15 <TirolA> BigMac UR MOM IS A COOL STORY BRO
01:15 <TirolA> Apache this is why remove red was good idea
01:22 <TirolA> Apache she is lame
01:30 Matlohyn "she" (rofl)
01:33 tier 3 <TirolA> Apache
01:38 <TirolA> Apache ´?
01:53 <TirolA> Apache u said the exact same word so
02:28 gas 1 +530 DarmaL
02:33 bunker destroyed
02:35 gas 1 +515 Matlohyn
02:41 Matlohyn Easy
02:45 <TirolA> Apache ye
02:50 <TirolA> Apache very
03:17 gas 1 +536 LikeWolf
03:20 tier 2 LikeWolf
04:50 gas 2 +384 DarmaL
05:12 <TirolA> Apache easy
05:17 Matlohyn Easy noob with us
05:19 gas 1 +475 <TirolA> BigMac
05:20 <TirolA> Apache ye
05:22 <TirolA> Apache all 3
05:25 <TirolA> BigMac EZEZEZEZEZEZE
05:26 <TirolA> Apache you you and red
05:27 Matlohyn Ta mère la pute aussi ?
05:31 <TirolA> Apache hahahahahaha
05:35 gas 1 +467 <TirolA> Apache
05:42 <TirolA> BigMac HAHAHAHAHH
05:46 <TirolA> BigMac i hate french
06:00 <TirolA> BigMac ta mere c une grosse tepu jla prend sur le trottoire tout les jour
06:06 tier 2 DarmaL
06:07 <GayBi> LizardWizard guys who you talking to lol
06:08 <GayBi> LizardWizard red ?
06:09 Matlohyn File ton adresse on va vérifier ça petit
06:15 <TirolA> BigMac kan tu veu fdp
06:19 Matlohyn Aller file
06:24 <TirolA> BigMac prend ta femme on va rigoler
07:05 gas 2 +347 <TirolA> Apache
07:17 gas 1 +416 <GayBi> LizardWizard
07:53 gas 3 +218 DarmaL
08:33 tier 2 <GayBi> LizardWizard
08:34 gas 2 +302 <TirolA> BigMac
09:00 tier 3 LikeWolf
09:26 tier 3 DarmaL
11:12 gas 2 +181 Matlohyn
11:55 cannon destroyed
12:32 gas 3 +109 <TirolA> BigMac
13:46 tier 3 <TirolA> BigMac
14:43 gas 2 +118 LikeWolf
15:15 gas 3 -15 Matlohyn
15:34 gas 4 -87 DarmaL
16:25 Matlohyn Un petit soucis ? (happy)
17:24 tier 3 <GayBi> LizardWizard
20:28 gas 4 -247 Matlohyn
22:48 tier 3 Matlohyn
24:46 leaver Matlohyn
25:10 leaver DarmaL
25:13 <TirolA> Apache next
26:02 tier 4 <TirolA> Apache
26:10 game ended