Game #2353094 — 2024-06-11

zerg 203
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1029 | killed: 63k
3543 +8
protoss 893
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1370 | killed: 66k
8171 +8
zerg 118
apm: 41 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1077 | killed: 46k
4527 +8
1569 -8
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 39 | killed: 94k
terran 40
3990 -8
apm: 23 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 89 | killed: 73k
terran 584
2018 -8
apm: 12 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 4k
terran 436


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:07 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy gl hf
00:10 <ValidG> NinjaKWick gl hf
00:17 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy how have ya been?
00:27 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy i have been studying and chimping out at politics
00:39 <ValidG> NinjaKWick horrible just crapped out some diarrhea
00:39 first unit on mid
00:43 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy nice
00:48 tier 2 Unchaindboar
00:49 <ValidG> NinjaKWick ate some reaper hot sauce
00:53 <ValidG> NinjaKWick and coffee
00:55 tier 2 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
01:00 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy beautiful combo
01:00 tier 2 <ValidG> NinjaKWick
01:12 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy i assume at seperate times
01:18 <ValidG> NinjaKWick yes the reaper sauce was last night
01:19 tier 2 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
01:23 <ValidG> NinjaKWick coffee this morning
01:32 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy right
01:41 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy pain and regreto this morning
01:51 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy as well as... purification
02:03 tier 2 Fartosis
02:24 tier 2 <dGreat> rubberbandy
02:39 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy fartosis op
02:59 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy hey why did you make hellbats suddenly
03:08 Unchaindboar why noy
03:10 Unchaindboar t
03:21 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy bc i hadnt made lings yet
03:34 Unchaindboar im just that smart
04:18 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy now riddle me this cucklone man
04:21 <ValidG> NinjaKWick how does this stupid build go again
04:23 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy why cucklones?
04:29 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy vs toss
04:30 <ValidG> NinjaKWick you've inspired me
04:36 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy 2 banshee 1 raven open
04:41 Unchaindboar cause bio is boring, i like trying to do mech
04:43 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy if open is wave 2 whatever
04:45 leaver Fartosis
04:54 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy and turn off turret and cheetodust
04:59 gas 1 +263 <dGreat> rubberbandy
05:15 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy and then the cucklones are for the mechanical response to your banshees
05:30 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy if they make anything t2
05:34 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy ravens to lockdown
05:34 gas 1 +245 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
06:17 cannon destroyed
06:23 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy if vs zealots add one row of hellbats very back
06:29 gas 2 +143 <dGreat> rubberbandy
06:50 tier 3 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
06:51 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy adepts we draw agro with a turret
07:02 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy too many stalkers add 3 tank one side
07:07 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy stalkers are the counter
07:17 gas 2 +119 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
07:28 <dGreat> rubberbandy yo dont listen to him, hes in a clan with jay
07:36 <ValidG> NinjaKWick who tf is jay
07:46 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy listen we dont need to go into it
08:03 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy im just sharing my findings with a build ive been developing
08:06 gas 3 +19 <dGreat> rubberbandy
08:44 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy reading for the lsat
08:54 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy its just logic games
09:10 gas 1 +137 <ValidG> NinjaKWick
09:59 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy can u sell mines pls
10:20 gas 1 +102 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
10:48 gas 1 +88 Unchaindboar
11:23 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy mines are the enemy of a free democracy
11:48 tier 3 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
11:50 gas 2 -18 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy
12:04 <ValidG> NinjaKWick you believe in democracy?
12:04 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy do you see what you terrans have become?
12:10 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy myself, no
12:18 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy i dont think it really exists outside of city states
12:33 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy otherwise, people are too apathetic and ignorant
12:50 gas 2 -48 <ValidG> NinjaKWick
12:52 gas 2 -49 Unchaindboar
13:09 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy an empire ruled by a strong dictate would be best
13:22 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy hopefully an enlightened one
13:59 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy such as putin
15:32 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy if napoleon stayed alive and in power i think world would have been better place
15:47 tier 3 <dGreat> rubberbandy
16:28 gas 3 -232 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
16:39 tier 3 <ValidG> NinjaKWick
16:47 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy i think if russian empire wins war against nato
16:56 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy without going nuclear
17:02 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy we be in better world
17:07 Unchaindboar north korea wins
17:11 <ValidG> NinjaKWick realistically they cant
17:17 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy why not?
17:23 Unchaindboar he is a troll blue...
17:27 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy what would winning look like lets first define
17:32 <ValidG> NinjaKWick I am well aware of how greedy operates lol
18:07 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy monetary policy and foreign affairs policy being combined big mistake for usa
18:11 <dGreat> rubberbandy yous a fine motha fucka why dont you back that thang up
18:11 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy brics will rise
18:37 <ValidG> NinjaKWick gggg
18:38 <DSNSFW> IBGreedy china number 1 trade partner with 120 nations
18:39 <dGreat> rubberbandy gg
18:45 game ended