Game #2362067 — 2024-05-23

hanhorner 5
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 64 | killed: 11k
1381 -24
raynor 2
apm: 13 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 156 | killed: 8k
1781 -24
tychus 66
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 145 | killed: 12k
951 -2
3811 +24
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 402 | killed: 13k
karax 24
1925 +24
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 602 | killed: 9k
fenix 11
2865 +24
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 595 | killed: 23k
vorazun 49


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +156 poonslayer
00:19 gas 1 +147 Tolltroll
00:21 gas 1 +146 Daddy
00:23 gas 1 +146 <ROS8th> Indu
00:23 gas 1 +145 <SRP> Polease
00:37 gas 1 +139 DowNNOut
00:57 first unit on mid
01:04 tier 2 poonslayer
01:11 tier 2 <SRP> Polease
01:24 tier 2 <ROS8th> Indu
02:03 tier 2 Tolltroll
02:37 Daddy you peepin on daddy again
02:43 gas 2 +0 <SRP> Polease
02:48 poonslayer suck my weiner
03:24 Daddy its ok my boy, i won't touch you now that you all grown but i might haft to teach ya a lesson
03:30 tier 2 Daddy
05:29 gas 2 -83 Tolltroll
05:46 gas 2 -91 <ROS8th> Indu
06:10 tier 2 DowNNOut
06:18 bunker destroyed
06:19 gas 2 -108 Daddy
06:20 gas 2 -108 DowNNOut
06:31 Daddy yeehaw, that's gonna buy daddy a new belt
07:16 tier 3 <ROS8th> Indu
07:27 gas 3 -217 <ROS8th> Indu
08:20 poonslayer our han and horner double gas as he was getting raped
08:24 poonslayer I don't think he cleared a wave
08:38 Tolltroll this isnt comp bro
08:41 Tolltroll relax
08:46 Daddy yea double gas only works if you winnin
08:55 Daddy or if you got a strong carry
09:01 poonslayer which we do
09:03 poonslayer in tychus
09:12 poonslayer but he was clearing nothing
09:23 poonslayer Like I have mass viking
09:25 Daddy oof yea he fought a tough match up tbh
09:25 poonslayer vs immortal
09:27 poonslayer cringe
09:44 poonslayer and he still can't clear his wave kek
09:47 poonslayer with my viking
09:56 Daddy well no one even fighting their wave
09:59 Daddy at this point
10:13 poonslayer lol
10:15 game ended
10:17 poonslayer bg
10:19 poonslayer this guy shit
10:20 Daddy geegee