Game #2363365 — 2024-06-18

protoss 930
apm: 46 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 41k
101 -3
terran 520
apm: 15 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 56 | killed: 64k
6775 -30
terran 1155
apm: 152 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 39k
855 -3
4671 +30
apm: 36 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1010 | killed: 49k
protoss 458
7328 +30
apm: 46 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 899 | killed: 48k
zerg 210
8348 +30
apm: 83 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 966 | killed: 61k
zerg 589


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:52 tier 2 Nova
01:13 Nova very balanced Tolga
01:20 <trcr> Tolga ok
01:41 <DSTARI> Readoubt the race matchup is good for us though
01:43 tier 2 <DSTARI> Readoubt
01:56 <TirolA> Apache im not sure about
02:22 Nova idk about that
05:09 tier 2 <TirolA> Apache
05:22 tier 2 <trcr> Tolga
06:38 gas 1 +176 Nova
07:07 tier 2 <БАБА> БаБаЯга
07:20 tier 2 <sc2ds> PAX
08:48 bunker destroyed
09:01 gas 1 +104 <TirolA> Apache
09:10 gas 1 +100 <БАБА> БаБаЯга
10:21 gas 2 -11 Nova
10:31 gas 2 -16 <TirolA> Apache
10:38 gas 1 +56 <sc2ds> PAX
11:14 gas 2 -37 <БАБА> БаБаЯга
12:01 gas 3 -136 <TirolA> Apache
12:14 tier 3 <DSTARI> Readoubt
12:22 gas 3 -146 Nova
12:29 <DSTARI> Readoubt theres 0 chance its z into z
13:14 tier 3 <TirolA> Apache
13:32 tier 3 <БАБА> БаБаЯга
14:17 <TirolA> Apache let me hug u
14:19 <TirolA> Apache baneling*
17:17 <TirolA> Apache idk why i love ur name
17:17 <TirolA> Apache ok lets kkick this bitch and leave
17:17 <TirolA> Apache what about
17:17 <DSTARI> Readoubt i wanted to leave a while ago
17:17 <DSTARI> Readoubt ok this is better
17:17 <DSTARI> Readoubt xD
17:19 <DSTARI> Readoubt gg
17:21 <БАБА> БаБаЯга go play last one
17:22 <TirolA> Apache gg
17:24 tier 3 Nova
17:28 <sc2ds> PAX gg
17:31 game ended