Game #2415483 — 2023-09-22

mengsk 23
apm: 22 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 733 | killed: 116k
4061 -75
tychus 20
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1400 | killed: 79k
1269 -75
tychus 99
apm: 5 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 732 | killed: 114k
2520 -75
688 +7
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 862 | killed: 105k
dehaka 40
1378 +75
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2112 | killed: 78k
hanhorner 35
2317 +75
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1660 | killed: 126k
nova 35


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:00 gas 1 +608 invisbubble
00:01 gas 1 +608 Lancelot
00:04 gas 1 +607 UnderOneSky
00:04 gas 1 +607 <SRP> Polease
00:44 gas 1 +587 SupraTwoJZ
01:00 tier 2 Lancelot
01:00 tier 2 invisbubble
01:01 first unit on mid
01:33 tier 2 SupraTwoJZ
01:35 gas 2 +486 <SRP> Polease
01:47 tier 2 <SRP> Polease
02:08 tier 2 rebol
02:16 gas 2 +466 SupraTwoJZ
03:17 tier 2 UnderOneSky
03:46 gas 3 +345 SupraTwoJZ
06:15 gas 2 +346 invisbubble
09:13 gas 3 +182 <SRP> Polease
09:28 cannon destroyed
09:55 gas 1 +311 rebol
09:58 tier 3 invisbubble
10:16 gas 4 +75 SupraTwoJZ
12:00 tier 3 UnderOneSky
12:05 gas 2 +171 rebol
13:02 bunker destroyed
13:03 gas 3 +67 invisbubble
13:47 tier 3 rebol
14:55 tier 3 SupraTwoJZ
15:15 SupraTwoJZ sirius is not good against my hellions btw
15:25 Lancelot you sold your army dumbass
15:38 rebol lol i hate that but that somehow worked
15:39 SupraTwoJZ should sell your sirius noob
18:26 tier 3 <SRP> Polease
18:27 SupraTwoJZ sell your sirius bro
18:40 Lancelot tychus cant sell heros...
18:50 rebol yea i dont think thats ever good
18:54 SupraTwoJZ sell ittttttttt
18:55 rebol iuuno anything
22:19 Lancelot ggwp
22:26 SupraTwoJZ gg
23:55 gas 3 -259 rebol
25:03 Lancelot gg
25:16 tier 4 rebol
25:17 invisbubble gg
25:18 game ended
25:19 rebol gg