Game #2420715 — 2024-07-16

zagara 25
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 3536 | killed: 199k
3521 +60
zagara 31
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 4114 | killed: 301k
2215 +60
mengsk 156
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 3361 | killed: 273k
1449 +60
1382 -60
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 1688 | killed: 277k
artanis 2
1068 -60
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 1997 | killed: 286k
raynor 27
4091 -60
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 1786 | killed: 307k
stukov 19


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +1036 Virus
00:05 gas 1 +1036 <R3PORT> SereneKing
00:06 gas 1 +1035 TJFent
00:07 gas 1 +1035 ImNotALawyer
00:09 <R3PORT> SereneKing glhf
00:31 gas 1 +1023 Toohigh
00:38 first unit on mid
01:01 tier 2 TJFent
01:09 gas 1 +1004 XeonVeridan
01:09 tier 2 Virus
01:16 tier 2 Toohigh
01:32 ImNotALawyer BANSHIES
01:37 gas 2 +915 ImNotALawyer
01:39 tier 2 ImNotALawyer
01:55 gas 2 +906 <R3PORT> SereneKing
01:55 TJFent *****loud noises*****
02:14 tier 2 <R3PORT> SereneKing
02:22 tier 2 XeonVeridan
03:23 TJFent banshee is gayy
03:29 ImNotALawyer ur mom
03:38 TJFent i accept
03:41 <R3PORT> SereneKing i would say banshee is def gay
03:53 TJFent right? and im an ally, but that is fact
03:54 <R3PORT> SereneKing if we're taking opinions here
04:05 tier 3 ImNotALawyer
04:17 <R3PORT> SereneKing banshees are known to be big gay strat
04:19 Toohigh as once a famous person said... it doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile
04:22 Toohigh winning is winning
04:36 TJFent big government banshees
04:36 <R3PORT> SereneKing That's right
04:45 <R3PORT> SereneKing but then again who said you were winning?.
05:51 <R3PORT> SereneKing I want dem chicken Nugs Toohigh
05:53 gas 2 +787 Toohigh
05:58 tier 3 XeonVeridan
06:00 Toohigh got u baby gurl
06:26 tier 3 Toohigh
08:58 tier 3 <R3PORT> SereneKing
09:28 gas 2 +679 TJFent
09:50 cannon destroyed
10:40 gas 2 +643 XeonVeridan
11:17 gas 3 +550 <R3PORT> SereneKing
12:41 gas 3 +508 XeonVeridan
13:14 gas 4 +416 <R3PORT> SereneKing
13:44 gas 2 +551 Virus
14:52 gas 3 +442 ImNotALawyer
17:25 gas 3 +366 Toohigh
18:39 gas 3 +329 Virus
18:44 tier 3 Virus
19:46 tier 3 TJFent
25:13 tier 4 <R3PORT> SereneKing
25:17 tier 4 XeonVeridan
25:22 tier 4 ImNotALawyer
25:46 tier 4 TJFent
27:12 gas 3 +72 TJFent
27:17 tier 4 Toohigh
27:26 tier 4 Virus
29:11 gas 4 -62 ImNotALawyer
30:03 tier 5 ImNotALawyer
30:03 tier 5 <R3PORT> SereneKing
30:08 tier 5 XeonVeridan
30:11 tier 5 Virus
30:35 tier 5 TJFent
32:04 tier 5 Toohigh
33:05 gas 4 -179 Toohigh
34:43 gas 4 -228 Virus
35:03 tier 6 ImNotALawyer
35:03 tier 6 XeonVeridan
35:37 tier 6 <R3PORT> SereneKing
35:38 tier 6 TJFent
35:59 tier 6 Toohigh
36:45 tier 6 Virus
39:37 ImNotALawyer gg
39:37 game ended
39:40 TJFent gg
39:40 Toohigh gg
39:43 <R3PORT> SereneKing ggwp