Game #2450427 — 2024-07-30

terran 777
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 424 | killed: 138k
7716 -77
terran 131
apm: 46 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 510 | killed: 136k
4797 -77
terran 1226
apm: 20 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 738 | killed: 110k
6580 -77
3120 +77
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2187 | killed: 110k
zerg 170
4063 +77
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1229 | killed: 115k
protoss 280
5808 +77
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1324 | killed: 131k
terran 918


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +676 <D5FTWA> TPol
00:37 first unit on mid
01:33 tier 2 <D5FTWA> TPol
03:36 tier 2 <dGreat> rubberbandy
03:42 bunker destroyed
03:47 gas 1 +564 <DSFTWA> Zod
04:07 gas 1 +554 <PTNPNH> aliak
04:12 gas 2 +477 <D5FTWA> TPol
04:27 tier 2 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
05:14 tier 3 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
05:30 tier 2 <PTNPNH> aliak
05:34 tier 2 <DSFTWA> Zod
06:20 gas 3 +337 <D5FTWA> TPol
06:42 gas 2 +401 <PTNPNH> aliak
07:05 gas 1 +465 <DSNSFW> Jay
08:13 tier 2 <DSNSFW> Jay
08:25 gas 2 +350 <DSFTWA> Zod
10:24 tier 3 <DSNSFW> Jay
10:47 gas 4 +129 <D5FTWA> TPol
12:07 tier 3 <DSFTWA> Zod
13:01 gas 1 +287 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
15:07 cannon destroyed
15:09 gas 2 +148 <DSNSFW> Jay
15:17 gas 1 +219 <dGreat> rubberbandy
16:49 gas 2 +98 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
17:25 gas 2 +80 <dGreat> rubberbandy
18:50 tier 3 <dGreat> rubberbandy
19:18 tier 3 <PTNPNH> aliak
22:08 tier 3 <D5FTWA> TPol
22:21 <PTNPNH> aliak very nice switch jay
22:50 gas 3 -158 <DSFTWA> Zod
22:51 <DSNSFW> Jay shouldnt of had to... i wanted to t2 bancheese from the start but bandy said not to... then he gets mopped by a fucking lurker
22:58 <dGreat> rubberbandy (rofl)
23:16 <PTNPNH> aliak happens to the best of us
23:27 <D5FTWA> TPol (cutealarak)
23:41 <DSNSFW> Jay we all have but him saying jays the reason we lose and then HES the reason its pretty ironic...
23:52 <dGreat> rubberbandy when did i say that
24:00 <DSNSFW> Jay theres a chat log
24:14 <DSNSFW> Jay 1st thing lol
24:27 <PTNPNH> aliak lurker won the game
24:32 <DSNSFW> Jay agreeed
24:36 <dGreat> rubberbandy well no shit
24:37 <D5FTWA> TPol (zheart)(zheart)(zheart)
24:40 <dGreat> rubberbandy anyone with eyes can see that
24:42 <DSNSFW> Jay jays against a good player im worried...
25:13 tier 4 <D5FTWA> TPol
25:15 tier 4 <DSFTWA> Zod
25:28 tier 4 <DSNSFW> Jay
25:30 tier 4 <PTNPNH> aliak
25:31 tier 4 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo
25:44 tier 4 <dGreat> rubberbandy
27:22 gas 3 -294 <PTNPNH> aliak
27:33 <dGreat> rubberbandy gg
27:36 game ended
27:36 <PTNPNH> aliak gg
27:37 <D5FTWA> TPol gg
27:38 <dGreat> KorewaKosmo gg
27:38 <DSNSFW> Jay gg