Game #2496976 — 2024-08-18

zerg 780
apm: 23 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 625 | killed: 43k
8892 +2
terran 1921
apm: 39 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 724 | killed: 38k
9090 +2
terran 707
apm: 26 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 890 | killed: 28k
7898 +2
1575 -2
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 122 | killed: 39k
terran 9
2149 -2
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -91 | killed: 32k
protoss 89
786 -1
apm: 19 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 36k
zerg 197


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:07 <dGreat> NoooB glhf
00:19 <dGreat> foRei good luck fellow virgins
00:48 tier 2 <dGreat> NoooB
00:51 tier 2 Nyurail
00:58 first unit on mid
01:53 tier 2 <Radial> DuckSauce
01:59 <dGreat> Henz imteresting
02:56 <dGreat> Henz less interesting now
03:24 <dGreat> foRei do u guys also support BLM ?
03:59 <dGreat> foRei or do u have no soul ?
04:10 cannon destroyed
04:13 gas 1 +184 <dGreat> NoooB
04:15 gas 1 +183 <dGreat> Henz
04:16 gas 1 +183 <dGreat> foRei
04:16 gas 1 +183 Nyurail
05:22 tier 2 <dGreat> Henz
05:24 tier 2 <dGreat> foRei
05:53 gas 2 +59 <dGreat> NoooB
06:11 gas 2 +50 <dGreat> foRei
06:20 gas 2 +45 <dGreat> Henz
06:39 <dGreat> foRei its so clear that all whites are racist
06:39 <dGreat> Henz plz no more baneling
07:23 gas 3 -61 <dGreat> NoooB
07:36 tier 3 <dGreat> foRei
09:52 gas 2 -61 Nyurail
09:55 <dGreat> Henz baneling beast
10:00 gas 4 -214 <dGreat> NoooB
10:03 <dGreat> Henz more
10:12 <SyR15> MYWAY shutt off
10:28 tier 2 <SyR15> MYWAY
10:42 gas 3 -161 <dGreat> Henz
10:58 tier 3 <Radial> DuckSauce
11:32 <SyR15> MYWAY this guy have 2 gases noob
11:38 <dGreat> Henz you?
11:43 <dGreat> NoooB well, I have 4gas
11:47 tier 3 <dGreat> NoooB
11:47 <SyR15> MYWAY nvm win
11:57 <dGreat> NoooB I am nooob more than theys
12:00 tier 3 Nyurail
12:01 tier 3 <dGreat> Henz
12:20 gas 1 -91 <Radial> DuckSauce
12:55 <SyR15> MYWAY 1vs1 henz
13:18 <dGreat> Henz you dont have the credit to challenge ppl
13:33 <dGreat> Henz why would I accept your challenge
13:48 <SyR15> MYWAY you dont havr
13:49 tier 3 <SyR15> MYWAY
14:16 <Radial> DuckSauce gg
14:18 <dGreat> NoooB ggwp
14:18 leaver <Radial> DuckSauce
15:22 game ended
15:23 <dGreat> NoooB ggwp
15:24 <SyR15> MYWAY noobs