Game #2497355 — 2024-07-20

tychus 195
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 108 | killed: 21k
2975 +0
raynor 139
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -171 | killed: 6k
793 -4
nova 117
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 69 | killed: 17k
527 +0
2716 -0
apm: 121 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -37 | killed: 8k
fenix 3
1860 -0
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -12 | killed: 11k
stetmann 4
3256 -0
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 16 | killed: 10k
raynor 62


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +116 JDR
00:03 gas 1 +116 Voidul
00:07 gas 1 +54 <LAFA> Method
00:15 gas 1 +109 SpaceCheese
00:42 first unit on mid
00:48 gas 1 +93 bitbater
00:58 gas 1 +88 Milad
01:00 tier 2 JDR
01:02 tier 2 Voidul
01:07 tier 2 SpaceCheese
01:31 gas 2 -4 JDR
01:33 gas 2 -4 Voidul
01:43 gas 2 -69 <LAFA> Method
01:45 tier 2 Milad
01:49 Milad let me smack your dehaka
02:28 tier 2 bitbater
02:29 gas 2 -33 Milad
02:59 tier 2 <LAFA> Method
03:01 gas 3 -124 JDR
03:18 Milad wtf
03:18 JDR .....
03:20 Milad stupid hispanic
03:27 JDR oye
03:32 gas 3 -198 <LAFA> Method
03:52 gas 3 -149 Voidul
04:00 gas 3 -153 Milad
04:09 Milad he just came out of lag, and gassed x 3
04:22 Voidul *gasp
04:28 Milad hope trump kick all hispanics out of this country
04:31 gas 2 -93 SpaceCheese
04:36 JDR who in the right mind gas 3
04:47 Milad they are really extras and burdon to human beings whereever they go
04:51 Voidul hmmmm
04:52 Voidul idk lol
05:16 tier 3 Voidul
05:29 tier 3 JDR
05:29 Milad i hate hispanics
06:27 gas 2 -152 bitbater
06:56 leaver <LAFA> Method
07:02 Milad hispanic left
08:19 cannon destroyed
08:25 Milad see since that hispanic left, we are winning
08:41 Milad i know the root cause problem of universe
08:41 bitbater dude shut up with the racist shit\
08:55 game ended