Game #2499161 — 2024-08-19

terran 92
apm: 39 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 304 | killed: 15k
5631 +8
zerg 787
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 323 | killed: 6k
8924 +8
protoss 901
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 366 | killed: 5k
1158 +8
3549 -8
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -246 | killed: 10k
zerg 343
1992 -8
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 70 | killed: 3k
protoss 1
3225 -8
apm: 19 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 5k
terran 951


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:08 <dGreat> NoooB glhf
00:38 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 <dGreat> NoooB
00:50 tier 2 <DSFTWA> mistical
01:22 gas 1 +70 TheFallen
01:52 tier 2 <KiMBR> KURUMIN
02:32 cannon destroyed
02:34 gas 1 +34 <dGreat> NoooB
02:38 gas 1 +31 <dGreat> Eclipse
03:19 <KiMBR> KURUMIN yellow troll
03:51 tier 2 <dGreat> Eclipse
04:24 gas 2 -96 <dGreat> NoooB
04:40 gas 2 -105 <dGreat> Eclipse
04:59 gas 1 -39 <DSFTWA> mistical
05:21 gas 1 -50 casper
05:23 <KiMBR> KURUMIN GG... yellow trolls
05:26 <dGreat> NoooB ggwp
05:41 tier 2 casper
06:09 gas 3 -224 <dGreat> NoooB
06:22 gas 3 -231 <dGreat> Eclipse
06:26 tier 2 TheFallen
06:40 <dGreat> NoooB wow
06:56 <KiMBR> KURUMIN yellow phoenix
07:01 tier 3 TheFallen
07:01 <KiMBR> KURUMIN 100% troll
07:07 <dGreat> NoooB no carrier?
07:09 <dGreat> NoooB wowow
07:10 <KiMBR> KURUMIN no
07:17 <KiMBR> KURUMIN void and phoenix
07:26 <KiMBR> KURUMIN and diruptor
07:30 <dGreat> NoooB 100000% troll
07:36 gas 2 -193 casper
07:40 <KiMBR> KURUMIN he started with gas
08:00 <KiMBR> KURUMIN and dont take units for 6 waves
08:05 gas 2 -207 <DSFTWA> mistical
08:21 <dGreat> NoooB nice micro
08:24 <KiMBR> KURUMIN he take t3 for get DT and stalker
08:25 <DSFTWA> mistical :p
08:42 game ended
08:44 <dGreat> NoooB ggwp
08:45 <DSFTWA> mistical gg