Game #2505626 — 2024-08-23

zerg 1151
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 767 | killed: 33k
8106 +5
terran 864
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 889 | killed: 43k
8254 +5
terran 244
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 966 | killed: 35k
3307 +5
2994 -5
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: -76 | killed: 39k
protoss 32
1563 -5
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 157 | killed: 28k
zerg 30
2003 -5
apm: 23 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -124 | killed: 12k
zerg 97


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:32 OSPDMFIVE MILFhunter, aka DILFhunter
00:39 first unit on mid
00:46 tier 2 OSPDMFIVE
00:49 GroovyBane super gay
00:50 tier 2 GroovyBane
00:57 tier 2 HRN
01:15 MILFhunter your mom doesn't think so
02:24 GroovyBane don't be ashamed I am super gay myself
02:44 tier 2 DUMPtheCLIP
03:08 tier 2 MILFhunter
03:23 cannon destroyed
03:25 gas 1 +186 HRN
03:27 gas 1 +185 MILFhunter
03:31 gas 1 +183 <DSKING> Xeros
03:55 <DSKING> Xeros are u testing units?
04:10 tier 2 <DSKING> Xeros
04:22 GroovyBane I want to taste u
04:24 gas 1 +157 OSPDMFIVE
04:49 MILFhunter that was kinda gay
04:56 gas 2 +66 HRN
04:57 gas 2 +65 MILFhunter
05:13 GroovyBane I am jjust a little gay
05:25 MILFhunter good for you
05:50 GroovyBane it can be good for you too if you want ;)
06:05 gas 1 +106 DUMPtheCLIP
06:10 MILFhunter nah, milfs is my thing not guys
06:29 OSPDMFIVE archon is the best vs hydra
06:32 OSPDMFIVE more
06:36 GroovyBane ok np
06:41 gas 2 +13 <DSKING> Xeros
06:44 OSPDMFIVE nice
06:59 gas 1 -124 GroovyBane
07:36 tier 3 DUMPtheCLIP
07:52 GroovyBane gg
07:53 leaver GroovyBane
08:01 OSPDMFIVE great
08:04 gas 3 -103 MILFhunter
08:06 tier 3 <DSKING> Xeros
08:11 MILFhunter what rest of you are waiting for?
08:13 OSPDMFIVE pakistan 4 ever
09:22 gas 3 -142 HRN
09:23 <DSKING> Xeros still here?
09:30 OSPDMFIVE no
09:35 <DSKING> Xeros oh, sorry
09:41 MILFhunter who's playing then?
09:47 OSPDMFIVE my dad
10:00 gas 4 -236 MILFhunter
10:04 gas 3 -163 <DSKING> Xeros
10:04 OSPDMFIVE or mom...
13:12 gas 2 -182 DUMPtheCLIP
14:38 game ended
14:39 <DSKING> Xeros gg
14:42 MILFhunter gg