Game #2534881 — 2024-09-05

protoss 184
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -121 | killed: 33k
4288 -68
zerg 92
apm: 13 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -99 | killed: 26k
964 -6
protoss 25
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 124 | killed: 37k
2517 -68
3001 +68
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 570 | killed: 34k
protoss 53
1494 +68
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 457 | killed: 34k
terran 143
3152 +68
apm: 22 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 868 | killed: 51k
terran 916


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:49 tier 2 Karma
00:53 first unit on mid
00:55 tier 2 <Zupam> Eurotomania
01:24 Troll *muted
01:48 tier 2 asterisks
02:16 gas 1 +262 TacoToot
04:09 tier 2 Troll
04:18 gas 1 +201 asterisks
05:28 bunker destroyed
05:30 gas 1 +165 Karma
05:33 gas 1 +164 <QCSOL> Purck
05:50 tier 2 <QCSOL> Purck
07:02 gas 1 +119 <Zupam> Eurotomania
07:27 gas 2 +31 Karma
07:50 tier 2 TacoToot
09:43 Troll i ate an edible
09:47 Troll 10 mins ago
09:54 Karma congrats
10:20 gas 2 -55 <Zupam> Eurotomania
10:28 Troll soon i will be at proxima centauri 4.25 light yearsa away 80k years journey via the fastest ship made by humans
10:51 Karma settle down kottonmouth king, we cant keep up with your coolness
11:02 Troll fastest man made object the parker solar probe goes 400k mph, only .06% the speed of light
11:14 Troll we are trapped here friends
11:32 Troll on this speck, we shall all die
11:34 Troll in a cold void
11:36 gas 2 -93 <QCSOL> Purck
11:43 TacoToot but first, pizza
11:44 Karma then you need Jesus
11:46 Troll hahahahahaha
11:48 Troll pizza
12:01 Troll no one really knows if jesus is real, so do what u want
12:07 TacoToot pizza definitely real
12:10 gas 3 -185 <Zupam> Eurotomania
12:13 TacoToot can confirm
12:17 Troll cuz one day u wont be around. do u rememebr being around before u were born? neither do i
12:29 Troll before i was born there was nothing and to nothing i shall return
12:32 Troll perhaps
12:46 TacoToot theres also pizza bagels
13:06 gas 2 -138 TacoToot
13:17 Karma you shall return to nothing without Jesus
14:06 Troll if earth was a grain of rice the nearest star would be in thailand, 14k miles away
14:14 Troll we are truly alone forever friends
14:19 TacoToot theres already rice in thailand...
14:19 gas 1 -99 Troll
14:25 tier 3 asterisks
14:28 Troll pwned
14:56 Troll sorry i meant kilometers
15:22 gas 3 -281 <QCSOL> Purck
15:47 gas 3 -293 Karma
15:59 Karma gg
16:01 game ended
16:03 Troll Farewell earhtlings