Game #2551562 — 2024-09-13

artanis 68
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 681 | killed: 95k
2322 -8
raynor 2
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 679 | killed: 87k
2332 -8
6622 +8
apm: 25 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1383 | killed: 108k
alarak 24
5547 +8
apm: 30 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1278 | killed: 74k
raynor 138


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +442 <TMLZ> SaneBg
00:02 gas 1 +442 BIGS
00:02 gas 1 +442 <GKitty> imsux
00:04 <GKitty> imsux glhf
00:05 <GKitty> Jurzal gl hf
00:09 BIGS ty
00:10 BIGS u2
00:21 <GKitty> Jurzal what are your commanders
00:37 first unit on mid
00:42 BIGS raynor
00:47 tier 2 <GKitty> Jurzal
00:49 BIGS are you girls?
00:52 <GKitty> Jurzal yes
00:57 <GKitty> imsux yes
01:07 <TMLZ> SaneBg we are too
01:10 tier 2 <TMLZ> SaneBg
01:23 gas 1 +401 <GKitty> Jurzal
01:42 tier 3 <GKitty> Jurzal
01:47 BIGS are you up for 5 of 5?
01:51 <GKitty> imsux sure
02:17 tier 2 <GKitty> imsux
02:21 tier 3 <TMLZ> SaneBg
03:44 tier 2 BIGS
03:56 bunker destroyed
03:57 gas 2 +249 <GKitty> imsux
03:59 gas 2 +248 <GKitty> Jurzal
05:09 gas 2 +213 BIGS
05:10 gas 2 +213 <TMLZ> SaneBg
07:31 gas 3 +67 <GKitty> imsux
08:29 BIGS we gave you atvantage
08:33 BIGS cuse you are girls
08:35 <GKitty> imsux thx
08:36 <GKitty> Jurzal dont give it
08:37 <GKitty> imsux much appreciated
08:39 BIGS you have time until min 10
08:43 BIGS ok?
08:46 <GKitty> Jurzal ok
08:54 BIGS good kitty
09:37 gas 3 +4 <GKitty> Jurzal
12:35 tier 3 <GKitty> imsux
13:03 gas 3 -99 <TMLZ> SaneBg
13:08 gas 3 -101 BIGS
14:27 cannon destroyed
15:20 tier 3 BIGS
19:46 game ended
19:48 <GKitty> imsux gg
19:49 <GKitty> Jurzal gg
19:50 <GKitty> Jurzal bo5?
19:51 BIGS gg
19:54 BIGS again