Game #2551787 — 2024-09-14

swann 16
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1905 | killed: 46k
4213 +63
nova 35
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1665 | killed: 74k
2473 +63
zagara 25
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1960 | killed: 89k
2086 +63
1789 -63
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 857 | killed: 62k
stetmann 2
5005 -63
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1043 | killed: 58k
tychus 901
1392 -63
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 435 | killed: 65k
abathur 37


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:00 gas 1 +482 LEGEND
00:02 gas 1 +482 ZombagSmashr
00:02 gas 1 +481 UBERMENSCH
00:03 gas 1 +481 ybhDS
00:11 gas 1 +477 Apple
00:26 LEGEND just owned some clowns in a 3on1 they thought they were going to win boy they were mad
00:30 gas 1 +468 elpanzoncito
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 elpanzoncito
01:00 tier 2 ybhDS
01:00 tier 2 UBERMENSCH
01:00 tier 2 Apple
01:30 gas 2 +362 LEGEND
01:41 gas 2 +357 UBERMENSCH
02:16 gas 2 +339 elpanzoncito
02:52 tier 2 LEGEND
03:18 gas 2 +309 ybhDS
04:27 gas 3 +199 LEGEND
05:19 tier 2 ZombagSmashr
06:24 tier 3 Apple
06:27 gas 3 +139 UBERMENSCH
07:47 tier 3 UBERMENSCH
07:58 gas 3 +93 ybhDS
08:27 gas 2 +154 Apple
09:23 tier 3 LEGEND
09:25 gas 3 +50 elpanzoncito
09:27 cannon destroyed
10:08 gas 4 -46 ybhDS
10:54 tier 3 elpanzoncito
11:25 gas 4 -85 UBERMENSCH
11:30 tier 3 ybhDS
12:14 gas 3 -34 Apple
15:09 gas 2 -47 ZombagSmashr
16:16 LEGEND gg green is total trash hes got raped all game
16:25 LEGEND i mean its bad
16:34 UBERMENSCH you really take this seriously huh
16:49 LEGEND i mean truth is truth
16:49 ZombagSmashr thats what im saying
16:58 ZombagSmashr he has cried all game
17:00 LEGEND he really did get raped
17:11 ZombagSmashr yep it happens
17:26 LEGEND not to people that can play
17:33 LEGEND but you i bet all day
17:39 LEGEND that guy ass raped u
17:39 ybhDS well u suck as well
17:42 ybhDS just saying
17:54 Apple you dont win 1 round
17:55 ZombagSmashr amen
17:56 LEGEND lol WHO are u kid
18:01 LEGEND noone
18:06 ybhDS the one that beats u
18:08 ZombagSmashr you have leaked every round
18:23 LEGEND if u THINK u have a HOPE of beaing me ill rape u 1on1 after or now
18:39 LEGEND but i know u r a coward
18:42 LEGEND so shut up
18:44 ZombagSmashr Look out guys he is real tough and real cool
18:46 LEGEND save it
19:01 LEGEND they trying to stick up for the you kid
19:05 LEGEND u didnt know??
19:10 LEGEND be happy
19:18 LEGEND the trash is picking up the trash
19:21 LEGEND good for you
19:36 LEGEND teal got quiet thou when he got called out
19:44 LEGEND cause he knows he shit as well
20:11 LEGEND fags always talk a big game but like the cowards at school 1 puch and they run
20:18 ZombagSmashr this guy is the worst, even if he was good, he is unbearable
20:24 LEGEND good
20:30 UBERMENSCH ah school... so you are like 14?
20:37 LEGEND 5
20:42 UBERMENSCH fits
20:47 LEGEND im smashing all u old farts
20:55 UBERMENSCH ew no thanks
21:06 game ended
21:08 ybhDS gg
21:13 Apple gg