Game #2568502 — 2024-09-24

protoss 18
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 53 | killed: 162k
1921 -4
2839 +4
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1433 | killed: 71k
terran 125
1011 +4
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1808 | killed: 58k
terran 100
7508 +4
apm: 27 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1787 | killed: 77k
zerg 648


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:10 Interstellar im like a god to you maggots!
00:32 gas 1 +435 Leviathan
00:44 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 Interstellar
00:48 tier 2 <DatWas> Easy
01:17 tier 2 Leviathan
02:03 tier 2 Sky
02:23 gas 1 +379 <DatWas> Easy
04:06 gas 1 +328 Sky
04:13 gas 2 +250 <DatWas> Easy
04:30 gas 2 +241 Leviathan
05:11 gas 1 +295 Interstellar
06:06 gas 3 +118 <DatWas> Easy
06:08 gas 2 +192 Sky
06:34 bunker destroyed
06:36 <DatWas> Easy <--------
06:58 gas 3 +92 Leviathan
07:04 gas 2 +164 Interstellar
07:07 tier 3 Sky
07:07 Interstellar a god
07:18 Interstellar a teacher they say
07:42 Interstellar rule nr 2
07:53 Interstellar 'neva confuze d battle with d war'
08:15 Interstellar my forces r too strong esse
09:07 Interstellar your god is hot
09:11 Interstellar oh so handsome
09:11 tier 3 Leviathan
09:31 tier 3 Interstellar
09:52 tier 3 <DatWas> Easy
10:00 gas 4 -74 Leviathan
10:00 gas 4 -74 <DatWas> Easy
10:37 Interstellar surprize suprize
11:39 Interstellar ez?
11:43 Interstellar a god
11:55 Leviathan oh this tempests....
11:58 Leviathan we are fucked
12:03 Interstellar yup
12:06 Interstellar by god
12:27 Leviathan could you be my teacher please?
12:32 Interstellar your god only commands ztrong unitz
12:59 Leviathan can´t find the marouder anti air button
13:44 Leviathan but i got good allies
14:48 gas 3 -143 Interstellar
15:49 Leviathan ah with t25 you can transform them into thors ... how dumb i was
16:17 Interstellar yes u waz
16:18 gas 4 -263 Interstellar
16:22 Interstellar but you will lunr
16:45 gas 3 -201 Sky
18:30 Interstellar a god
18:39 Interstellar teachez hiz childrenz
19:46 <DatWas> Easy <--------
20:01 <DatWas> Easy 2ez damn
20:03 game ended
20:06 <DatWas> Easy pissing on you