Game #2570346 — 2024-09-26

terran 417
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1862 | killed: 94k
3560 +65
terran 32
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1744 | killed: 77k
2609 +65
zerg 164
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1877 | killed: 67k
619 +6
4495 -65
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: -51 | killed: 183k
zerg 478
989 -6
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 27k
protoss 46
1225 -65
apm: 13 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 1k
terran 36


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 Konaborne
01:40 tier 2 <OSLalv> Peregrinus
02:02 tier 2 Wildcatrip
03:25 gas 1 +407 Wildcatrip
03:31 <OSLalv> Peregrinus gg
03:33 leaver <OSLalv> Peregrinus
03:40 tier 2 Akeno
04:00 gas 1 +390 Akeno
04:06 cannon destroyed
04:37 Konaborne this dude really ran no bio ghosts into zerg bio then dipped
04:50 tier 2 Oskie
05:03 tier 2 ifinhatebliz
05:05 Wildcatrip he said gg
06:30 gas 1 +315 Oskie
06:50 gas 2 +230 Wildcatrip
07:11 gas 2 +219 Akeno
08:44 gas 3 +98 Wildcatrip
09:13 tier 3 Oskie
10:16 tier 3 Akeno
11:40 gas 2 +85 Oskie
12:49 afk ifinhatebliz
12:59 Konaborne it really do be like that sometimes huh
13:12 gas 1 +114 Konaborne
13:16 Oskie that guy went afk in the game i just played
13:22 Oskie knobhead
13:29 Konaborne and you didnt even warn me
13:30 Konaborne rude
13:33 Wildcatrip i have to take food out of the oven
13:40 Oskie lol
14:14 Wildcatrip they have to make a new version of this
14:45 Konaborne thats not very cash money of you teal
15:01 gas 3 -91 Akeno
16:14 gas 4 -202 Wildcatrip
16:27 Wildcatrip i thought you had a guy leave a long time ago
16:39 Konaborne i did
16:43 Wildcatrip oh
16:46 Wildcatrip but you are here
16:55 Konaborne just me and my titties against the world
17:01 Wildcatrip good shit
17:10 Wildcatrip stick that shit out
20:00 gas 2 -165 Konaborne
21:28 tier 3 Konaborne
21:48 Wildcatrip My lasangna is done
21:55 Oskie shiiii
22:01 game ended
22:04 Oskie good timing
22:05 Konaborne i hope its good
22:07 Konaborne gg
22:09 Oskie gg