Game #2574410 — 2024-05-23

protoss 10
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -109 | killed: 43k
1613 -19
terran 1
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 353 | killed: 31k
1981 -19
terran 8
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -124 | killed: 48k
1393 -19
3182 +19
apm: 26 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 928 | killed: 63k
terran 55
2453 +19
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1135 | killed: 45k
terran 235
4578 +19
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1166 | killed: 41k
terran 127


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:07 gas 1 +374 serega
00:15 CrescentMoon gl hf fellow virgins
00:27 <IWTU> Maciejan glhf im not a virgin i have tons of sex
00:28 CrescentMoon are we 5 terrans
00:38 first unit on mid
00:46 tier 2 wingros
00:48 CrescentMoon brother you are in here playing starcraft at 11 am you are a virgin
00:59 tier 2 <IWTU> Maciejan
01:07 <IWTU> Maciejan dont call me brother friend
01:15 CrescentMoon dont call me friend pal
01:21 <IWTU> Maciejan dont call me pal buddy
01:28 CrescentMoon well shit
02:12 tier 2 serega
03:22 tier 2 CrescentMoon
03:36 gas 2 +194 serega
04:23 gas 1 +246 CrescentMoon
04:23 bunker destroyed
04:24 gas 1 +246 <IWTU> Maciejan
04:54 tier 2 SATAHUKA
05:23 gas 1 +216 <ŦĦĔXŇ> Shadeen
06:09 gas 2 +118 CrescentMoon
06:33 gas 2 +106 <IWTU> Maciejan
06:33 tier 2 <ŦĦĔXŇ> Shadeen
06:59 tier 3 SATAHUKA
07:20 tier 3 <ŦĦĔXŇ> Shadeen
07:35 tier 3 CrescentMoon
08:03 gas 3 -14 <IWTU> Maciejan
08:41 gas 3 -33 serega
10:00 gas 4 -147 <IWTU> Maciejan
11:09 gas 4 -182 serega
11:44 tier 3 <IWTU> Maciejan
13:16 gas 2 -96 <ŦĦĔXŇ> Shadeen
13:57 tier 3 serega
14:08 gas 1 -47 SATAHUKA
14:22 gas 3 -204 CrescentMoon
15:13 gas 3 -229 <ŦĦĔXŇ> Shadeen
15:24 tier 3 wingros
16:43 gas 1 -124 wingros
17:36 game ended
17:38 <IWTU> Maciejan ez
17:38 CrescentMoon gg