Game #2591347 — 2024-10-07

fenix 104
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1905 | killed: 101k
5017 +4
swann 23
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1719 | killed: 116k
3288 +4
mengsk 2352
apm: 36 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 504 | killed: 93k
7728 +4
1731 -4
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1382 | killed: 103k
nova 1
2030 -4
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 967 | killed: 104k
zagara 1
1875 -4
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 966 | killed: 92k
hanhorner 6


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +599 KrisDaPillow
00:02 gas 1 +599 grida
00:05 gas 1 +598 Marcus
00:16 gas 1 +592 paulwilhelm
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 paulwilhelm
00:53 tier 2 MikeLitoris
01:35 gas 1 +553 MikeLitoris
01:38 tier 2 KrisDaPillow
01:38 gas 2 +476 Marcus
01:45 tier 2 Marcus
01:46 KrisDaPillow mr trump, u gonna build a wall n make the zerg pay for it?
02:00 Trump exactly
02:07 MikeLitoris make terran great again !!!
02:08 Marcus I wanna vote for him
02:21 KrisDaPillow well as a zerg, i must decline
02:25 tier 2 grida
02:37 Marcus too bad
03:15 MikeLitoris dirty zerg coming to our towns and eating our pets XD
03:33 KrisDaPillow that is slander, we only eat your dogs not all of ur pets
03:37 tier 2 Trump
03:52 MikeLitoris eat the childless cat ladies!
04:13 gas 3 +324 Marcus
04:23 Marcus damn zerg tanking the economy
04:36 KrisDaPillow only bc we do ur jobs better
04:47 Marcus fucking Zerg taking our jobs
04:54 Marcus build the wall quicker trump
04:54 MikeLitoris they took our jobs!
05:00 Marcus and use the zerg to do it
05:23 tier 3 paulwilhelm
05:51 gas 2 +350 MikeLitoris
06:01 tier 3 Trump
06:06 gas 2 +342 grida
06:28 gas 2 +331 KrisDaPillow
08:24 gas 2 +273 paulwilhelm
10:14 tier 3 Marcus
10:30 tier 3 MikeLitoris
10:48 tier 3 KrisDaPillow
11:05 gas 3 +117 MikeLitoris
12:13 tier 3 grida
13:02 gas 4 -16 Marcus
13:46 gas 3 +37 KrisDaPillow
14:09 gas 3 +25 grida
16:03 gas 3 -31 paulwilhelm
17:10 gas 1 +85 Trump
18:05 cannon destroyed
18:40 gas 2 -35 Trump
20:10 gas 3 -155 Trump
21:42 gas 4 -276 Trump
24:37 KrisDaPillow fenix, r u trump's wall?
24:57 MikeLitoris i am his couchfugger
25:00 Trump if you were winning your talk would be cooler
25:01 game ended
25:02 Trump but like this...
25:03 Trump gg
25:07 Marcus GG