Game #2593736 — 2024-09-24

tychus 272
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 549 | killed: 20k
5335 +6
tychus 82
apm: 29 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 496 | killed: 30k
1823 +6
mengsk 649
apm: 33 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 544 | killed: 55k
7111 +6
1980 -6
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 66 | killed: 31k
raynor 2
2246 -6
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 62 | killed: 28k
tychus 172
806 -1
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 48 | killed: 14k
tychus 115


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +242 bumpitybump
00:03 gas 1 +241 <DSGosu> Sangreal
00:04 gas 1 +138 blululululu
00:07 gas 1 +239 <DSGoku> SingleC
00:14 gas 1 +236 NightRanger
00:41 gas 1 +222 <LDPro> psycodiver
00:50 tier 2 <DSGosu> Sangreal
01:20 first unit on mid
01:29 tier 2 <DSGoku> SingleC
01:30 tier 2 NightRanger
01:33 gas 2 +121 <DSGosu> Sangreal
01:37 gas 2 +119 <DSGoku> SingleC
01:39 gas 2 +15 blululululu
01:44 gas 2 +116 bumpitybump
01:44 gas 2 +116 NightRanger
02:11 gas 2 +102 <LDPro> psycodiver
02:53 tier 3 <DSGosu> Sangreal
03:03 gas 3 +1 <DSGosu> Sangreal
03:09 gas 3 -105 blululululu
03:13 gas 3 -4 <DSGoku> SingleC
03:14 gas 3 -4 NightRanger
03:17 tier 2 blululululu
03:17 gas 3 -6 bumpitybump
03:41 gas 3 -18 <LDPro> psycodiver
04:25 tier 2 bumpitybump
06:14 tier 3 blululululu
06:34 tier 3 bumpitybump
07:45 tier 2 <LDPro> psycodiver
09:16 cannon destroyed
09:21 NightRanger gg u win
09:24 blululululu so bad
09:26 NightRanger pink super noob
09:30 NightRanger he has all loses
09:35 NightRanger impossible to win with him
09:38 blululululu oh well i dont play with tards
09:40 leaver blululululu
09:48 NightRanger worst tychus ever
10:00 gas 4 -282 <LDPro> psycodiver
10:00 gas 4 -282 NightRanger
10:00 gas 4 -282 <DSGoku> SingleC
10:08 gas 4 -286 <DSGosu> Sangreal
10:16 gas 4 -290 bumpitybump
12:11 tier 3 <DSGoku> SingleC
12:13 tier 3 <LDPro> psycodiver
13:07 game ended
13:11 NightRanger no AA