Game #2596452 — 2024-10-08

stetmann 28
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 265 | killed: 22k
951 +3
abathur 29
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 133 | killed: 15k
960 +3
vorazun 35
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 391 | killed: 31k
4122 +37
1471 -37
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 194 | killed: 12k
raynor 29
2286 -37
apm: 33 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 168 | killed: 19k
karax 18
3146 -37
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 221 | killed: 13k
karax 373


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +221 <Wujooz> Avenguard
00:02 gas 1 +221 <RUSKA> Lister
00:08 gas 1 +218 <Wujooz> Ebalon
00:11 gas 1 +216 <Kusshh> bee
00:21 <Wujooz> Ebalon o/
00:27 <Kusshh> bee glhf
00:30 <Wujooz> Avenguard ye
00:33 <Wujooz> Ebalon u2 (hearts)
00:43 gas 1 +200 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
01:00 tier 2 <Wujooz> Avenguard
01:00 tier 2 <RUSKA> Lister
01:00 tier 2 <Wujooz> Ebalon
01:37 gas 1 +173 <T1TANS> DamiaLucif
01:53 tier 2 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
01:55 gas 2 +90 <Wujooz> Ebalon
02:17 tier 3 <RUSKA> Lister
02:26 gas 2 +74 <Kusshh> bee
02:34 <T1TANS> DamiaLucif nice day aye
02:43 tier 2 <Kusshh> bee
02:46 <Kusshh> bee can't complain
03:01 gas 2 +56 <Wujooz> Avenguard
03:03 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV my city is full of smoke D:
03:08 gas 2 +53 <T1TANS> DamiaLucif
03:14 <Wujooz> Ebalon Ah that's not great
03:22 <Kusshh> bee inauspicious
03:39 tier 3 <Wujooz> Ebalon
03:47 gas 3 -42 <Wujooz> Ebalon
03:53 gas 2 +30 <RUSKA> Lister
04:41 gas 3 -69 <Kusshh> bee
05:09 gas 3 -83 <Wujooz> Avenguard
05:57 gas 2 -32 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
06:06 gas 3 -111 <RUSKA> Lister
07:56 cannon destroyed
08:34 tier 3 <Kusshh> bee
09:21 tier 3 <Wujooz> Avenguard
09:39 gas 3 -218 <T1TANS> DamiaLucif
09:40 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV gg
09:42 <T1TANS> DamiaLucif gg friends
10:39 tier 3 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
10:52 tier 2 <T1TANS> DamiaLucif
11:00 <RUSKA> Lister did u see the probe that kitted my gary
12:25 game ended
12:26 <Kusshh> bee gg
12:28 <Wujooz> Ebalon gg