Game #2597028 — 2024-10-08

tychus 220
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1551 | killed: 97k
6280 -87
kerrigan 194
apm: 44 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1586 | killed: 98k
7206 -87
abathur 704
apm: 53 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1531 | killed: 101k
4623 -87
2164 +87
apm: 23 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1576 | killed: 96k
hanhorner 9
2318 +87
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1240 | killed: 95k
mengsk 25
4064 +87
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1364 | killed: 90k
raynor 27


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +588 <Wujooz> MystLynx
00:05 gas 1 +586 <MagicG> RFZealot
00:07 gas 1 +585 <MagicG> Ayuri
00:08 gas 1 +585 Speedydemon
00:29 gas 1 +574 <MagicG> Motherfkers
01:00 tier 2 <Wujooz> MystLynx
01:00 tier 2 <MagicG> Ayuri
01:01 tier 2 Speedydemon
01:15 gas 1 +551 Gnomeish
01:35 gas 2 +466 <MagicG> RFZealot
01:37 gas 2 +465 <MagicG> Ayuri
01:39 gas 2 +464 Speedydemon
01:49 tier 3 Speedydemon
01:59 gas 2 +454 <MagicG> Motherfkers
02:22 gas 2 +443 <Wujooz> MystLynx
02:45 tier 2 <MagicG> RFZealot
03:05 gas 3 +346 <MagicG> RFZealot
03:09 gas 3 +344 Speedydemon
03:30 gas 3 +334 <MagicG> Motherfkers
03:33 gas 2 +407 Gnomeish
03:41 tier 2 <MagicG> Motherfkers
03:45 gas 3 +327 <MagicG> Ayuri
04:47 tier 2 Gnomeish
05:05 tier 3 <MagicG> Motherfkers
05:10 gas 3 +284 <Wujooz> MystLynx
07:51 gas 3 +204 Gnomeish
10:00 gas 4 +64 <MagicG> Motherfkers
10:02 gas 4 +63 <MagicG> RFZealot
10:13 gas 4 +58 Speedydemon
10:26 tier 3 Gnomeish
10:40 cannon destroyed
11:05 tier 3 <MagicG> Ayuri
11:11 gas 4 +29 <MagicG> Ayuri
11:14 tier 3 <MagicG> RFZealot
13:41 gas 4 -47 Gnomeish
14:40 gas 4 -76 <Wujooz> MystLynx
15:59 <MagicG> Motherfkers nice micro
16:03 <MagicG> Motherfkers ur so fking good
22:48 bunker destroyed
23:32 Speedydemon jesus... talks shit just to be baited to build sams :$
23:38 Speedydemon noob
23:43 Speedydemon get schooled
23:48 <MagicG> Motherfkers go check our mmr son
23:54 <Wujooz> MystLynx you're still losing
23:55 <MagicG> Motherfkers and look how bad our teammate
23:57 <MagicG> Motherfkers lol
24:01 Speedydemon thx, it clearly shows it doesnt matter XD
24:03 <MagicG> Motherfkers wanna do again?
24:15 Speedydemon nope, i dont need to see again how fkn bad u are
24:16 <MagicG> Motherfkers lets do again ok
24:24 Speedydemon it hurts my eyes
24:27 <MagicG> Motherfkers what a coward
24:29 Speedydemon and wastes my time
24:36 <MagicG> Motherfkers ur waste of air
24:39 game ended
24:41 <MagicG> Motherfkers go to hell motherfker
24:42 Speedydemon XD GET SCHOOLEDD