Game #2598948 — 2022-08-24

raynor 67
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2325 | killed: 191k
2806 -55
tychus 48
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 1817 | killed: 238k
1810 -55
nova 187
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2408 | killed: 166k
2469 -55
2588 +55
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2479 | killed: 138k
nova 4
2118 +55
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2211 | killed: 130k
zagara 5
1682 +55
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 1541 | killed: 181k
zagara 6


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +831 BrightHammer
00:02 gas 1 +830 Raynman
00:03 gas 1 +830 catJAM
00:05 gas 1 +829 <N0RTH> psi
00:26 gas 1 +818 Epopteia
00:46 <N0RTH> psi I want to fuck woman
00:52 tier 2 TaterSalad
00:54 <N0RTH> psi may I fuck your sister?
01:00 tier 2 BrightHammer
01:00 tier 2 Raynman
01:26 TaterSalad My sister lesbian
01:31 tier 3 TaterSalad
01:32 tier 2 catJAM
01:32 gas 2 +710 Raynman
01:34 gas 2 +710 catJAM
01:35 gas 2 +709 <N0RTH> psi
01:41 <N0RTH> psi that is perfect
01:48 tier 2 Epopteia
01:50 gas 2 +702 BrightHammer
01:55 TaterSalad LOL
02:08 <N0RTH> psi I want to educate her the joy of penis
02:41 tier 3 catJAM
02:44 TaterSalad She'd probably kick your ass, but you can try
02:48 TaterSalad haha
02:53 <N0RTH> psi damn I just ejaculate to the monitor just imagining it
02:59 tier 3 BrightHammer
03:05 gas 3 +589 <N0RTH> psi
03:10 gas 2 +661 Epopteia
03:12 gas 3 +585 catJAM
03:34 TaterSalad How you going to play the game with cum on the screen
03:47 gas 3 +568 Raynman
03:47 <N0RTH> psi I just licked it no prob
03:54 TaterSalad Oh ok
04:36 tier 2 <N0RTH> psi
05:10 gas 3 +526 BrightHammer
05:14 gas 1 +674 TaterSalad
05:29 tier 3 Epopteia
06:08 gas 3 +498 Epopteia
06:58 gas 2 +547 TaterSalad
09:55 <N0RTH> psi our Ty might be troll or noob
10:16 gas 3 +374 TaterSalad
10:38 <N0RTH> psi Im certain
10:46 <N0RTH> psi our Ty is troll
10:50 gas 4 +281 <N0RTH> psi
11:07 <N0RTH> psi that fuck spawns unit and auto upgrades unit and do afk
12:36 gas 4 +229 catJAM
12:59 gas 4 +217 Raynman
15:48 tier 3 Raynman
16:33 bunker destroyed
16:59 tier 3 <N0RTH> psi
19:19 gas 4 +27 BrightHammer
25:14 tier 4 Epopteia
25:30 tier 4 catJAM
25:32 tier 4 TaterSalad
25:34 gas 4 -160 Epopteia
25:52 tier 4 BrightHammer
25:56 tier 4 <N0RTH> psi
26:00 tier 4 Raynman
26:11 gas 4 -179 TaterSalad
30:29 tier 5 Epopteia
30:29 tier 5 catJAM
30:38 tier 5 TaterSalad
30:48 tier 5 <N0RTH> psi
30:53 tier 5 BrightHammer
30:59 tier 5 Raynman
32:43 TaterSalad gg
32:44 game ended
32:45 catJAM gg